
The man’s a genius. I mean, do you know who the drummer for Nickelback and Three Doors Down is? I know if he came into my music shop to buy drum mics, I wouldn’t look at him twice.

I know this isn’t a very extreme case of it, but I honestly live for women who grow up and say ‘fuck you’ to their fathers’ restrictive view points.

That’s a very strange video. I help take care of some hissing cockroaches at the museum sometimes...

Not in the baby aisle at Kroger.

That is the dumbest fucking comparison I can imagine. If they weren’t up to the job... they shouldn’t have taken the damn job. You should raise your standards for professional adults who understand what’s being asked of them and are being paid to do a set list of things.

“You like your culture when it suits you lmaooo.”

The cover is stunning!

In other news:

You know, you just never hear about this kind of crap with atheists. Yeah, some atheists are assholes - but they don’t, as an organization, advocate BEATING CHILDREN.

When the people who genuinely don’t mean to cause discomfort do it, people tell them to stop, and they stop.

And here he is before his geeky makeunder:

As a former child who ate his steak that way and stopped once was shown what seasoning was, I can attest to the veracity that this is indeed how children eat.

If you don’t go downtown, then I have no time for you. Tongue on my clit, or get the fuck out.

While I agree that men and women should communicate their desires and try to please each other sexually within reason, there is a huge difference between not giving your partner an orgasm and not giving your partner an orgasm their preferred way.

But it’d be great if heterosexual men would talk to each other about this, so their girlfriends don’t have to keep writing orgasm Sparknotes.

Never let him go.

I feel like this speaks to a larger mental problem with hetero dudes* in that they aren’t thinking about doing the dishes or taking charge in childcare or eating women out. They just expect women to just “deal” or spell everything out for them explicitly. A woman sighing loudly near a sink of dirty dishes is in no way