
A woman with pneumonia collapsed while she was working and continues to work? Sounds normal.

When asked why she didn’t discuss her pneumonia diagnosis until after it became abundantly necessary to do so, she said she “didn’t think it was going to be that big a deal.”

Sometimes I like to imagine that he is just dying for someone to give him an easy out. Half the time I really do think he thought this would be a good publicity stunt and then he just kept winning and things got out of control.

It really sounded like he was pleased to be interrupted.

I have never seen that second one and now I am scarred for life. At what age does a woman stop sitting on her fathers lap? In tiny shorts. While looking like she’s grinding a bit?

Just tell him you can’t go because you have to return some videotapes. Works every time.

Um can we talk about the email in which he says, and I quote that he doesn’t want to vote for hilary who’s “husband is still dicking bimbos at home”

Why Ivanka? She's a fucking collaborator. There is no reason to feel bad for that privileged white woman who knows exactly what she's doing.

But he ignores Tiffany, so she’s the lucky one

Yes, agreed - there are a lot of them out there. They don’t grasp that they’ve given birth to a person, they just look at their children as beings that they own.

I have said this before, and I will say it again- if you use the term “first world” and “third world” to distinguish between countries/ regions, you are stupid and need to take more history classes/ realize we are no longer in the Cold War.

Not exactly the same thing, but I’ve often wondered what will happen with the children of various well-known “Mommy Bloggers” who have had every moment of their life from gestation onwards broadcast to strangers.

As a practicing attorney, normally agree, but in this instance, go get ‘em. Full disclosure: I refuse to let my friends or family put me on facebook as a general matter and have gotten into it w/ my SIL over the issue. She overshares like a motherfucker. Also, a fair number of her posts are racist GOP garbage.

It sounds like she tried to resolve it outside of court and her parents refused.

While a lot of people are sue-happy, I can see the problem in this type of case. Would you really want your boss to be able to google you and find naked toddler pictures? I certainly wouldn’t.

I have no problem with this.

You helped pay for my necessary hernia surgery when I was enlisted. Sorry no one asked you if that was cool with you before they signed off on it.

I hope this ruling will set a precedent for federal/state prisoners. I work in federal court and we have several active cases where transgender inmates are not getting proper medical treatment for their transitions and/or they are being housed in a prisoner for the opposite gender that they identify with.

I love you, Bobby. I didn't realize what I was missing until I met you.

As soon as someone mentions “ephebophilia” I know I can safely disregard anything else that comes out of their mouth.