dude, i have been dealing with the exact same shit she has this year. allergies are no joke. ive had a post nasal drip that requires near constant hacking to keep my lungs clear...but heaven forbid the woman should cough.
dude, i have been dealing with the exact same shit she has this year. allergies are no joke. ive had a post nasal drip that requires near constant hacking to keep my lungs clear...but heaven forbid the woman should cough.
I don’t really know, because not immediately stopping for gas when that light pops on is a fantastic way to damage your fuel pump.
I hate that photo. So much.
I kind of read the exact opposite from this statement. It feels like Alexis’s brother was being very careful in his use of language and was very respectful of Alexis’s preferences/wishes.
You mean, over leaving Stillwater or wherever the shit they are in Oklahoma?
Most of u know that I have been a special needs teacher/administrator for nearly 18 years, the only job I have ever known. Excuse me now, there is a huge lump in my throat and I’m sobbing as I write this. Of the hundreds of children with special needs that I have worked with, I can tell you that every single one of…
I love the 0.0
They’re the Antonin Scalias of medicine. They have substantial intellectual gifts which they squander to justify some set of beliefs which, for whatever reason, they’re predisposed toward.
How are there actual doctors- people who went through the rigors of maintaining a top-notch GPA in undergrad, survived the MCAT, survived Medical School, survived Boards, survived residency- who actually believe this malarkey about vaccines?!
To which Aikman replied: “Will you shut up and come back to bed?”
A few years ago I got to live my dream: sucking off one man while my (now ex) boyfriend banged me from behind. It was indeed everything I’d ever wished for. GOD. Yes.
I have never had any interest whatsoever in a threesome. I’m not morally opposed but I suspect it’s like showering with a partner—one of you is always standing away from the water, feeling chilly with shampoo in your hair.
Had similar experience to Amber’s, find threesomes greatly overrated.
Guy is charged with seven felonies and no one’s burning his jersey and posting it online. Wonder why that is?
JK it’s because no one ever owned a Bruce Miller jersey.
The male anchors/reporters 0n this station have been doing it for quite a while. You just didn’t see it before when they were sitting behind desks, but they recently remodeled their studio and now they stand while reporting.
I smoke a metric ton of weed but I have never smoked in a car, I’m paranoid af and I don’t even carry any in the car except for one time when a dear and generous kinja friend gave me some edibles and I had to drive them back to Northern California.
The point is that dudes want to take the opportunity to tell us how big their wieners are.
Because a barrier would get in the way of the ICBM carriers they parade every May 1st.......