

Maybe it’s not normal behavior to you, but I talk and laugh to myself all the time. I don’t use a British accent, no, but only because mine SUCKS.

Especially disgusting that they used “private security” to use attack dogs and pepper spray. We’re used to cops, but, apparently, corporate mercenaries are now allowed to assault and batter.

Correction (09/04/2016): We incorrectly referred to Meekly-Built Mother’s new album as ‘The Child With The Broken Arm’ when it is in fact called ‘Carry her down the Mountain’.

6 years old. Immense pain from a broken bone. Better fucking walk you weak little bitch.....

Wait... so she broke her arm so bad her legs didn’t work? She couldn’t walk on her own; maybe just holding mom’s hand?

If memory serves me correctly, you were Rookie of the Year that season.

I broke my arm when I was 13. When they took off the cast, my tendons had healed a little too tight. I found out that I could throw a baseball incredibly fast. I got signed to a major league team and did really well closing out games. I eventually reinjured my arm later in the season and had to retire. But I’ll always

to the folks on here hating because the cyclist never “worked” a day in his life: your emotional reaction to this story has everything to do with your own internal state and your own dissatisfaction with some part of yourself. deep down, i bet several of you are jealous that you chose not to lead this kind of

Dat Handy Manny money yo (Disney cartoon for preschoolers); plus presumably 70s Show residuals, HITG guest appearances on shows, and he’s on/will be on the cast of two currently running TV shows.

You’ve given me a lot to ponder on this Labor Day.

We also have the freedom to kneel if we want to when we hear the anthem. Or turn our backs. Or dance a jig. Those people died for her freedom to do that too.

I wonder whether he would have much in common with kids his own age. The stuff most 12 year olds are interested inprobably wouldn’t interest a kid who was reading about math theorums at age 5.

The fruitarian way is the best way, that’s why Steve Jobs is still alive and healthy.

Public transit is an exception to a point. Standing in line in the grocery store is not. There is absolutely no reason someone needs to be that close to me.

I was more discouraged that I was going to have to work in a group, when I’d honestly rather just do the entire thing myself.

The two aren’t mutually exclusive. Remember how Warren Moon had to go to the CFL to be taken seriously?

I think your list also missed Darren Sharper. Darren fucking “serial rapist” Sharper.
