
Same but also would not have in a million years gone through with the pregnancy

sometimes I’m like “huh maybe i should get a tattoo” then ed sheeran tells me why, definitively, i should not.

If I were hooking up with a dude (not Ed Sheeran because HARD PASS) and he took off his shirt and revealed THAT tattoo I’d be like “BYEEEE”... Like the guy I met several summers ago who wore the nude colored men’s tiny briefs from American Apparel.

The wax figure looks better.

Sheeran can always add to it once he finds that special someone...

On a trip to Australia, a girlfriend and I landed in Sydney and through a mix-up, were dropped off at the wrong hotel. As it wasn’t too far, we decided to just schlep our luggage to the correct place. Three different groups asked us what happened and if we wanted to go for a drink (guys & girls). It was 830 in the

Giving a dog a treat before you leave will not stop the from barking at the things that trigger the barking, people outside the window, birds, noises, etc. All this does is train them to be less anxious when you leave. Unless that anxiety directly relates to the barking.... I know for my dogs that is not the case,

Wow. How much did the ghost lobby have to pay to get this piece written?

If these ‘children’ could viciously stab an innocent girl to death, there is no going back. You can’t rehabilitate a monster...

You seem to forget that 13 year old children do not have a developed prefrontal cortex, which helps to deal with aggression, planning, and abstract judgement, among other things. This is just one reason why this is complete bullshit.

Okay, so that would last 20 minutes...

Okay I don’t really know who these people are but yes the guy does sound very much like he can’t cope with a successful partner. How much weight do we give the massive cultural pressure that still exists for guys to out perform their other halves, at least in the workplace?

His comments say way more about his insecurities and personality than it ever could about Ronda Rousey but he isn’t even intelligent enough to figure that out.

She’s needs a guy who’s gonna take a back seat and that’s not me,

I’ve tried it. Mostly they just think “who is this weird negress talking with a fake british accent?”

Reviewing today’s events: White 20-year-old male drives stoned, takes silly selfie with his arresting officer. Black 21-year-old female suspected to be in possession of weed is restrained, has police officer’s hand forcibly inserted into her vagina. is raped.

I’d say there is no doubt that this was a sexual assault. I have family members who lived in Harris County. I hate that place so much. It’s the asshole of Texas.

Waking up every morning.

Brazillian Bikini wax, every five weeks. Because I’m out of my mother fucking mind.

My data usage is really me remoting into my home computer while I’m at work and unable to use their wireless for personal usage. ;-)
As for my brother, no clue. I know he does some stuff with a significantly large software company and is often traveling.

Certainly it’s easy to use a lot when it’s available, and yes, I