The Dogs of Lordstown.
The Dogs of Lordstown.
Love your responses in this thread. You do you, my man.
Just one modification needed—take a pause every once in awhile, smile, and enjoy the process! This car looks fantastic!
I go to people's houses for my job. They call me and set up an appointment and choose their own day and time. My car is clearly marked on three sides with the business name and number. I STILL have rednecks freak out when I knock on their door and I have taken to triple checking addresses when I arrive because people…
As I have gotten older, I have learned to not let things bother me if I am going to never think about them again in 20 minutes. More people need to go back to not worrying about other peoples business.
Why do you "loath people who do this"? I am legitimately curious and a little confused
I imagine that price point was in a void in the venn diagram where “Moronic” and “Wealthy” didn’t overlap anyway.
Horny dudes are flying under the radar these days thanks to the wacko misogynists
Musk is such a vile POS, I could never buy one of his MAGA mobiles. Mind you, douchebag Telsa driver isn’t helping at all. They’ve quickly taken the crown from BMW guy as the most reckless driver.
You don’t have to like the guy, but I think Liman directing Edge of Tomorrow and The Bourne Identity immediately disqualifies him from ‘hack’ status
That this episode is forever banished is such a joke
We don’t need permission cause they ain’t got no souls!
“Pancaked by Drunk Dump Truck Driver” remains one of the funniest things I’ve ever heard.
The fact that McHale had the “Chevy Chase” role is an insight I hadn’t heard before. I could see someone with an ego like Chase’s being threatened by the idea that the show had a Handsome, Sarcastic Guy role, and that someone else was playing it. And physically fighting with someone 30 years younger than you…
I don’t know, I’m hearing it’s not even a show. It’s just hours of dead bodies falling out of coffins without explanation.
A movie that lasts for three and a half hours is objectively fucking long. And Jesus Christ, the joke wasn’t even at the expense of the actual story, just how long the movie was. You aren’t defending native Americans, just having a poor take on a joke that you didn’t like.
I’d say an 8 on the fast casual scale…better than Buffalo Wild Wings, Wingstop, Applebee’s, places like that.
In the words of Raylan Givens, if you run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole. You run into assholes all day, you’re the asshole.
Thing is, that character needed an actor to play him as an egotistical asshole. Turns out that Tim Allen didn't need to "act" that way, he just naturally is.
12,000+ people dead a year due to speeding is not exactly what I would consider to be a small problem.
Note that in the 19th century the US was in a virtual panic over... over what? The revolver...the six shooter. And virtually every town in America had strict ordinances passed by popular demand restricting their use.…