F.Y. Jones

In early January, we were visiting my wife’s grandfather (who isn’t doing well). We planned the whole trip around the forecast and were keeping an eye on the big ice/snow storm headed our way. The storm hit us over an hour early. Our 3 our drive home turned into 6.5 hours straight out of a movie. We zig zagged,

Years ago, driving from London Ontario up north for Christmas. We usually avoided the big highways, taking a slightly slower route through Central Ontario, through Mitchell, Listowel, into Barrie and then onto the highway. Unfortunately we were hit with a notorious “North of Hwy7 Snow Dump,” easily a couple feet

It was a sloppy sleety day in Northern Michigan, my Saab 9000's mysterious vacuum leak kept sucking slush and shuddering to a stop on the way home from school. It’s ancient tires could barely hold traction up the steep hill just before the ultimate obstacle - our driveway. Now our driveway was particularly difficult,

I wouldn’t buy a CyberTruck, (or any other product from a Musk company) even if it was free. F that guy and everything he’s associated with.

Maybe if you keep posting shitty comments like this your mother will finally love you

thats simply not true

To be fair to... everyone, The CEO of Tesla is the one who added the unnecessary political baggage to Tesla. And while tesla was a cutting edge car 10 years ago, now it’s just another EV, one saddled with a lot of ugly baggage that can be avoided if one just buys something else.


Bizarre take. Do you work at a dealer or something? Presumably slinging Altimas to single moms at a 29% APR with the intention to repossess them later.

No dislike here. The system is absolutely set up to allow people to take advantage of financial illiterates. Car salespeople specifically are trained to distract from the total price and only talk about payments, making damn sure not to mention that those payments will continue for the better part of a decade.

I’ve spent a lot of time learning about personal finance and I’m naturally very frugal. That said, I’m less inclined than I used to be about financial-shaming people. The deck is usually stacked, there’s a power imbalance, and a car purchase is usually not a discretionary luxury purchase for most people. This comment

The cognitive dissonance on display with that “you can’t not-advertise on my platform” lawsuit from a “free speech absolutist” is truly breathtaking.

While I generally don’t get it as a car either, I think Ed summed it up pretty well. On normal streets at normal speeds it’s like driving a Bentley, effortless and sedate, but then when the road opens up and you give it the beans it just PILES on the speed, and it’s still... effortless. A lot of super/hyper/mega cars

The tone of this piece is bleak. And accurate. 

Its because we all know exactly what kind of person he is when he said that: Typical white, conservative, Trump-supportin’ piece of shit.

Of all the things annoying about this guy, it’s the ‘nice try Buttercup’ that gets me the most.  May your CT be plagued by all of the common issues

If that’s their home and livelihood, I don’t like to see that taken away from anyone, nor do I take joy in it.

The Santa Cruz is one of those vehicles I’d answer for a QOTD prompt about a car that you irrationally kind of like. Like, I can’t foresee a circumstance where I’d ever own one, but I also kind of like something about the way they look. I had similar feelings when the Kona debuted. Just funky enough in the right ways.

I’m convinced juan is a troll. There’s simply no other explanation. 

We’re just finishing up a felony trial for a White man who already owes half a billion in fraud damages, nearly $90 million to a woman he raped and then defamed, etc.....and yet when I look at the pictures of his supporters all I see are White faces.