Nothing went wrong, but just a very difficult drive. About 19 years ago I proposed to my wife.
Nothing went wrong, but just a very difficult drive. About 19 years ago I proposed to my wife.
I just skimmed the article and by no means am I an accountant or finance guy, but it sounds like a good bulk of those profits were not from selling cars. Sounds like they made a pretty penny selling regulatory credits to other automakers who needed them. As other automakers electrify/hybridize their lineups, that…
For sure. If the claimed 3,000 man hours is correct, you’re looking at about a buck-fifty per man hour, not including costs. Most of us work about 2000 hours per year give or take; and I can’t imagine dedicating a year and half of my life to one task, and only getting paid $1.50 per hour, which is about one-fifth the…
Sympathetic to your predicament. It’s frustrating to be on the sidelines of Tesla’s emergence, and see how so many of things keeping me from buying a Tesla, would also be so easy to fix. Turn signal stalks, steering wheels that are round, and keeping your fucking hot takes to yourself don’t require a lot of R&D or…
Yep, every time I see one I want one but can't justify any use case for it.
I don’t think there’s ever been any doubt that he was a critical cog in the machine; but I think in the follow up it’s just become apparent how important Larry David was to the equation, particularly because of Curb.
I also think more people have recognized the comedy acumen of Julia Louis-Dreyfus in the following…
And podcasters.
Tax evasion. Whether or not supreme court justices can accept gifts is an ethics issue that, as John Oliver demonstrated with his offer of a $1,000,000 per yar plus a $2.4 million RV, is shockingly lax. Thomas likely did not do anything illegal by accepting the RV.
However, tax evasion is a crime regardless of the…
My mom would car pool us and neighbor kids to school in a Datsun F-10 hatchback. There were always flights about which two kids got to sit in the hatch. It was a lot of fun back there... But admittedly, pure idiocy.
Yep, playing B&B straight is what did it for me, particularly Ryan Gosling’s voice. It’s oddly calming. That juxtaposition put it over the edge.
I just read an article over the weekend that said the average monthly payment for a new car in the use is $726. So I think the correct answer is anything purchased new.
Fucking coffin flop would murder the Oscars in the ratings.
I think the only way to fix this is take a cue from I Think You Should Leave, and include a cause of death for each individual.
I’d wager a milkshake he’s pretty god damned sick of Wayne and Garth jokes.
I had these for the first time on Super Bowl Sunday. They were way better than I expected. Better than Wing Stop or Buffalo Wild Wings. The only problem is the ranch that comes with it (and unfortunately, no blue cheese option). The ranch comes in individual packets, and I’d just put it a step above hidden valley.…
My nitpick is Uber/Lyft drivers who just stop at the pickup address. No pulling over. No pulling up to an open spot so traffic can flow. Just dead in their tracks in the middle of the street. Taxi drivers never do that.
Yep, my seventeen year-old self wants to give me a nutshot about twice a day...but I now believe there’s little reason for street legal cars to have more than 200 horsepower, or go faster than 95 mph (subject to HP exceptions for towing). That doesn’t mean I’d ban all the fun stuff....but the non-street legal stuff…
I’m a pretty big Demuro fan... But I wasn’t until I discovered YouTube’s playback speed feature. I typically watch his videos at 1.5 or 1.75 speed. Listening to him in real time is like having a conversation with molasses, but this fixes it.
This is a constant rag against artists who are political AND popular. And these artists always have to make a choice: do it anarcho and DIY, and play to rooms where you’re preaching to the choir of tens maybe twenties of people; or “sell out” so your art is on the shelves of Best buy and Walmart, but the people who…
I’ve owned a wrangler unlimited for ten years. Put 100,000+ miles on it. Never taken it off road (call me a “Mall crawler”. I don’t give a damn).