F.Y. Jones

That looks like it’s seconds away from an explosion.  That entire assembly was glowing white hot, I was sitting here watching it thinking “oh, that can’t be good.”

So we’re supposed to “grow up” to get past David and Jason leaving, but tell me, what level of maturity do we need to get past this roadblock bullshit? It’s hard to read the article when you can’t even fucking see it.

It's a topographical error.

I kinda like the moon buggy being called the mood buggy.

Yup - thanks to David and Torch we no longer need to visit this shithole. It’s about time they pay the price for not listening to the readers and letting this site become a former shell of itself. 

Not “The Rusty Torch”?

Better yet:


Some of those that work forces…

The worst part is that the Larry David ad is actually pretty funny but then you see what it’s for and immediately it makes you go “fuck, really?”

All the time our customers ask us, “How do you make money doing this?” The answer is simple: volume.

50 cent got all the time he needed and they needed Kendrick to keep it from being an entirely oldies channel mix, he performed the only songs on the night not old enough to vote.

They look pretty good but also, if you told me this was from a Final Fantasy game or something, I would believe you.

Nothing says “the future is now” like a digital representation of LeBron James that would have been disappointing in a video game three generations of PlayStation ago.

Nothing will ever top Prince.

Nobody’s being forced to get the vaccine against their will. Show me someone, anyone who’s been forcibly given the vaccine.

Police are never powerless. If they aren't doing something, it's because they don't want to. 

Consider this your periodic reminder that Kanye tried to help Donald Trump get reelected, to the point of allowing some shady shenanigans done in his name. I don’t know why nobody seems to remember or care

I nearly passed out from laughter during the “Silence of the Lambs” bit. What a diabolical scheme to unleash on your friends. God bless Jackass.

makes me wonder if they added new cast members just to liven things up, to offer fresh meat for the grinder, or to offset his absence (maybe all 3)