F.Y. Jones

If you actually read all the ‘negative’ articles about Tesla on Jalopnik, you’ll note that almost all of them are caveated with positive statements about the vehicles engineering, capabilities and the impact of Tesla on the broader automotive market. But they don’t spend 12 paragraphs repeating that because there’s

According to him, someone got mad because he was given his steak sooner than another person ahead of him in line simply because his was cooked rare and was ready to serve sooner than another person’s well done meat.

Born and raised in Chicago. Never heard of ‘Mr. Norm’ or ‘Grand Spaulding Dodge’ in my life, and I’m damn near 40.

Obviously, ND with some BaT CP mixed in. 

Honestly fuck Tesla forever, but if you’re in the driver’s seat and have been adjusting it for 90 seconds within the span of 5 minutes, you shouldn’t have been driving the car to begin with. Seriously, use a stopwatch to get to 90 seconds, it’s an eternity.

What if instead of locking you out, it gave a warning that “This motor is not designed for excessive, repetitive use. Abusing its use will cause premature failure” for privately owned vehicles?

I’m a man and I’m definitely on the shorter side - around 5'6 or 5'7. I appreciate someone writing in support of us short kings, but I also feel the need to say that there’s absolutely nothing wrong with someone having a physical preference that includes height. I’ve definitely had a bit of a harder time dating

I actually had no idea that was the case. Maybe I should check out this “Spotify”!

I used to be all about flipping people off if they tailgated me or cut me off, etc. Now I just let things roll because in the last 30-ish years since I got my license road rage has gone from getting the bird back at you to this kind of shit. Ain’t worth it. Let the other idiot think they win - at least you can walk

Allison freelances and is writing, um, food porn on Substack; I think Aimee is at Eater Chicago. How come you’re in the grays?

We can’t.  The bridge fell down.  One dot was on one side and the other dot was on the other side.  

I think the DOTs need to be better connected with a lot of things. The Department of Transportation is about to be a whole lot better connected with funds at least. 

how about we connect the fuckin’ beams first and worry about the dots later?

I see I am earning dudebra’s disapproval! But as someone who enjoyed the fact that i could buy a two-pack of Little Debbie Nutty Bars for a quarter in the late 80s/early 90s during my poverty years and who still occasionally buys Little Debbie products, my reaction on seeing the photo accompanying the article was “Oh,

Other than keep countless people out of the hospital / 6 feet under the ground.

don't you mean 40 years? I remember the first time I heard of them and I know it was in the 80s. Wikipedia shows 1983. so 39 years. 

This article could have used some more snark.

I can take or leave the lane assist, but adaptive cruise control is the greatest automotive advance of the past decade. On Kias, at least, it works consistently and flawlessly — once you learn to trust it. (That first “will it or won’t it stop” leap of faith is tough!)

I know everyone says that sunroofs leak and break regularly, but every car I’ve ever had that’s not a convertible has had a sunroof with not even one issue. I use them all the time when I want some open air feeling without letting it all in, like when it’s a sunny 45 degree day in the spring, too cold for windows down

“Easy to work on” only applies if you have the knowledge, tools and a place to do the work, plus cash for the parts. I can easily see a scenario where a bucks-down person jumps on this because it’s all they can afford, and then discovers a major issue that he/she can’t pay for or know how to fix.

Do you get to walk out with the old title with the lien signed off under this new proposal? Because I don’t see that here. What I see is that they should apply for the title for you, but do not have to successfully acquire the title. This does not appear to be any sort of consumer protection.