Ben A.

To me denying future students debt cancellation because we had to work through it is the same kind of thinking that allows things like hazing rituals to continue: We had to suffer, so everyone else should as well.  Sure, it’s annoying that we missed or partly missed the chance (I’m half way through my student debt),

You can get plenty of good used cars around $2,000. It just has to be a Chevy Cobalt or other non-Toyota 15 year old economy car.

Crash Bandicoot’s Girlfriend Gets One Heck Of A Glow Up

Believe me, everyone hears the slideshow feedback. I generally don’t like slideshows either, but I do think they’re useful for roundups like these — each app on its own little page that’s easy to skip through, rather than a huge, scrolling column of 2,000 words.

I try to use them when I think they make sense, and I’m

There might be, RePagination/Infinite scroller/auto-next style plugins might be able to work with it, test and see?

It looks cute but I know this movie by heart and having them change any of the lines will drive me insane.

This sounds delightful, but from the clips it looks like they are doing the script from memory and the ad libs are not improving anything and I don’t want to watch a movie 10 minutes at a time.

I got a chuckle out of this as the current front page of Kotaku has 6 articles “featured” at the top.

There are so many stories out there like this from our grandparents and great grandparents generations. I know World War II was a catalyst for many people in similar situations realizing he/she not only wasn’t alone but now had the opportunity to meet someone. These tales need to be told and it would do a lot of us

Tim Robbins as Doc Antle.  It’s basically his High Fidelity character already.

It’s also good for preventing kidney stones, and I am telling you now because no one told me then. NOT FUN. 

What the fuck are you ranting about?

It’s the snowflake argument that every douche bag gamergate kid makes, just fancied up to make him seem like he is actually saying something new, and not re-hashing a bullshit excuse to be racist/sexist/homophobic/whatever.

Sir, this is an Arby’s.

Is this satire? If not, yikes. 

I want to know how many people are using “correct horse battery staple”.

Or what, Neil Tyson will tweet at me?

I don’t think it’s that ambiguous. The included chart indicates that someone making $200k-$250k should be buying a honda accord, which is a $20k-$25k car.