Correction: The painting is “The Immaculate Conception of El Escorial”.
Correction: The painting is “The Immaculate Conception of El Escorial”.
Promo code for Fossil watches isn’t working.
Promo code for Fossil watches isn’t working.
I was wondering the same thing. The principle is great, but that comic probably really popularized that as a password.
Man, this is ridiculous. The tech in the controller is absolutely the direction we need to go in for streaming games, but it should be something that integrates into existing systems.
Oh fuck. I heard about this story when it came out, but I had no idea how deep this went. She need help. And would probably be better served keeping her mouth shut.
GBA and DS Pokemon games have such a massive number of fakes out there. And in those cases, it is particularly important to look out because while fakes can sometimes run well enough, a poorly made fake won’t work with other games so you can’t trade or send your Pokemon to newer games.
While disappointing, it’s not unexpected. They moved away from the “Gotta Catch ‘Em All” slogan a long time ago. Still, I was thinking we’d have more time before they started limiting the pokedex like this.
Hmm.... I’m 29. What celebs are exactly 60 years old?
At this point, it has nothing to do with keeping anything secret, and everything to do with marketing.
As someone allergic to the cold, I would contend it is not a good idea for everyone.
You get what you pay for.
You get what you pay for.
Sigh.... she’s officially in the Chris Pratt category in my mind. Very talented and fun actor, but shouldn’t be doing interviews.
Considering I’m already considering quitting FB, I’d take like $100. Maybe $50 if you really sweet talk me.
“And as anyone who’s ever sat down to eat one Twizzler and accidentally polished off the bag...”
I too am excited to wallow in depression and be emotionally destroyed by the penultimate episode of the season! I’m not sure why!
As free as any BOGO offer.
Arizona native here. Yes, Kingman is totally that racist. As are many of the towns in this state. It’s a deep red and as a Mexican man dating a Muslim woman, I’m terrified for my life reading the news every day.
This is so great! My gf is vegetarian, and I make tons of veggie dishes for her. Most premade/recipe veggie patties try really hard to be like meat, but they just don’t do it for me. Never considered going in the opposite direction.
This is brilliant!