This level of commitment?
This level of commitment?
Actually, there’s a good reason why bands and other celebrities put those in their contracts. If they’re at an event or venue, and the event/venue pays attention and carries through with those little things, then odds are they have followed the other things to the letter and the band/celebrity will not have every…
The Wii U Pro controller is the most ergonomic and comfortable contoller! I love that thing. Both sticks at the top is perfect!
They’re all rubberized. You can pick domed, standard or “tall” standard.
Well you paid a premium for a pre-built. Nothing wrong with doing that, it has its advantages but its not always cost effective.
Products flop all the time because they are priced too high. That’s what the quote is all about. The Apple Lisa computer flopped at $9,999 but a year later the Apple Macintosh worked at $2,999. All the current generation of smart watches are flopping at whatever price point they’re at, but they will return in a year,…
If you can look at it from the point of view of someone who just wants to have VR, they may be put off by the price. If you look at it from the point of view of someone who already owns a high end gaming PC, they’re going to be far more amenable to the price.
The reason a product could flop if it were priced too high would be that the lack of sales forces the company to run out of capital and shut down. With Facebook’s backing and seeming commitment to their long term plans, Oculus can afford to sell a small run of first-gen Rifts to the enthusiast market without worrying…
Not true. At first the idea that it replaces a monitor seems like a great argument but it isn’t an actual monitor replacement and content wont always work properly with it until it is actively designed around it.
Firewatch, the gorgeous-looking debut from Campo Santo, now has a release date: February 9. It’ll hit on PC, Mac, Linux, and PlayStation 4 at the same time.
I’m sure we will be seeing price cuts in the form of clearances once the NX comes out.
More like a $100 one!
I think that they think that the success of the Oculus Rift short-term and kind of long-term is outside of gaming. One of the smarter things they have done is make the Oculus seem slightly less gaming-oriented than the competition. Realistically, there is not much difference between it and Valve’s offering but the…
have you ladies and germs seen this? It’s awesome to see how small we actually are.
As much as TTK looks awesome, I don’t know if I can abide this arbitrary lockout for Y1 players. This is inexcusable, and I think, sets a bad precedent. I’m primarily a PVP player, and this just grinds my gears. It didn’t have to be this way, and is another vibrant display of Bungie and Activision’s tone-deafness.
Yeah, Bowlingotter’s Let’s Play of Until Dawn is one of the best ones out there. EmmaExegames has a good one too.
Well, I can honestly say, that after YEARS of using the Xbox 360 controller, the DS4 is a revelation! I have large hands myself, but, unlike the DS3, the DS4 doesn’t feel cramped AT ALL...nor do my thumbs come into contact with each other like they did on the DS3! Try it for a while, you will be surprised at how…
From the little I played, it totally feels like it shouldn’t exist, but man does it do the WiiU justice. Makes you wonder what type of impact this game could’ve had if it launched with the system back in 2012...