That’s pretty much exactly what it means. Old raids will yield non-upgradeable obsolete gear. Old legendaries all become obsolete in terms of max damage output (this apparently applies to some exotics too).
That’s pretty much exactly what it means. Old raids will yield non-upgradeable obsolete gear. Old legendaries all become obsolete in terms of max damage output (this apparently applies to some exotics too).
The optional nature of the original Kinect made it largely as big a waste of money as the Xbox One version since developers will always have a drastically limited user base if they target games to the device.
Good, let’s stop supporting last gen. More people need to start upgrading.
I’m old enough to remember when games came on multiple floppy discs. I still have my old Baldur’s Gate CD’s somewhere, though I prefer just buying such games from now.
As someone who doesn’t typically pre-order, I am all over that Mario Maker.
As someone who doesn’t typically pre-order, I am all over that Mario Maker.
I like the Wii U Pro controller so much that I bought a USB adapter for my computer that lets me use it as if it were a 360 controller to play PC games.
I like the Wii U Pro controller so much that I bought a USB adapter for my computer that lets me use it as if it…
YES! Hello. IMO the Wii-U pro controller is the best controller of the 3 new consoles. The sticks are the best, the weight and ergonomics are the best. My only gripe is no analog triggers. And even that, honestly is better for most games. Only racing games suffer. And the Wii-U doesn’t have many. Now, to make it clear…
YES! Hello. IMO the Wii-U pro controller is the best controller of the 3 new consoles. The sticks are the best, the…
Nintendo is the only company I usually buy on day-1 anymore. Folks can knock them for one reason or another, but their quality and relatively stable cost value for 1st party titles is really unmatched.
Isn’t this basically smash then?
It’s basically a super-expensive mushroom. It sorta has the same general shape as the chocolate balls known as truffles (because they’re made in the shape of truffles [mycoception]).
The game should have never been released on last gen systems in the first place. They cut content to make it work on the 360 and PS3. Hopefully the decision to ditch last gen systems means we’ll now be getting the “real” experience, what they wanted to do in the first place but couldn’t because of ancient hardware.
I would appreciate if it is accompanied with actual in game footage.... -_-
Your kinja emblem looks like the new directional pad!
I actually would be happy with a next gen ME Trilogy. But yeah...I still want to see ME 4 announcement...
I’m hoping for ME Remastered with full Character and ME3MP Manifest transfer in Fall 2015, and ME4 in fall 2016
All I care about is Mass Effect. That could literally be the only thing they show off and I wouldn’t even care.
How well will THAT work out... I’ll go with citing Bomberman: Act Zero.
Your character runs insanely fast. I’ve tried to figure out a good way to measure it, but I would put a guess at closer to 30 or 40 MPH (which doesn’t completely negate the point about them being small islands).