Le Monstre

Somebody needs to give us Gulf or Martini liveries. And RB would look so much better in that white livery they used 2 years ago. 

Haas and Mercedes are plain ugly and should replace your RB and AT in the rankings. Also, I think that Alpine is ugly with the pink. But to each its own. 

Id get the fuck over it and move on with my life for sure.

“Elon Musk destroying Twitter” is gaming?

For months it was, “Chris Pratt better not try and pull some kind of accent when he voices Mario.

Yeah, and sadly none of them are the 3000GT VR4. They do have a crap ton of Porsche’s now though... Oh, and a Land Rover 110 Defender Double cab Pickup. Exactly what I’ve been waiting for.

In my experience of living 10 years in New York City, the biggest offenders of parking in bicycle lanes are police officers, either in their city owned police cruisers, or in their private vehicles with their NYPD “get out of jail free” placard. I’m not surprised that the NYPD police union is opposed to the law. If

you try to call out someone’s “racism”, and then proceed to use the term “ricers”.... you should probably stop talking.

If they’re squealing like this, you know you’re putting pressure in the right place.

Applicable to this day

This is a good point. GT’s pivot to this Esports model was met with some pushback more because it felt like we were losing the traditional game more than anything. It seems it was always more about pumping the influencers than actually producing a lasting viable competition. 

Sounds like she got all the Napoleon complexes riled up something fierce.

As usual The Root has gone the way of Fox News for clicks and likes. Here is the actual story: The press trying to frame this is David Chapelle killing affordable housing for poor people. It’s not that simple. They offered a plan to get his $65 million investment, then switched up the project presumably to get tax

I’m sorry, but folks from states with no front license plate requirement don’t get to complain here. :)

the assertion that watching netflix content would be a cause of violence is powerful.   just like how playing violent video games causes kids to shoot people.  get rid of them both

I am extremely here for:

I work in a lab. I’ve got plenty of noxious chemicals I could hurl at people. They’d all get me arrested, though.

We have here the crossing of 3 things