Le Monstre

Chester is 72 years old. He’s been dreaming of owning a Corvette for the vast majority of those years. He worked hard and played it safe. He’s got enough money to bring home a Vette and the wife says it is ok. Now he knows the one’s from the 60's were way faster, buta new Vette is part of the dream. He orders his

I gotta fever... and the only prescription is more splitter.

Just sold a 95 Nissan XE 5 speed 4x4 via Facebook. I had it posted for 30 days on Craigslist and got a lot of tire kickers and time wasters.

There could have been a spider on the wheel. Fuck spiders.

You know what, after further thought YES let’s be a dick about this.

Thank god they’ve got excellent health care!

My Portia is quite fast; she gets on her feet sprints from far away to beat the rest to breakfast.

Don’rget Fighters Megamix. You can be a freaking car.

That photo alone nearly made me faint jesus christ

Thanks :) BTW I was pulling for you the whole time at Nakatomi.

Chrysler-Lamborghini IT’S EVOLVING!!

Probable she finally hit a supervisor who demanded she actually perform.

This is definitely OCMD. The phone number on the sign is for a company in Rehoboth Beach. No way they’d be doing work in NJ.

There’s not a chance this was in OCNJ, the small town religious city. This was OCMD, where they just had a car show. Also, you can read some of the signage, like “seascape parking” which is in OCMD, not OCNJ.

I guess he’s comparing the comment/like ratio on that tweet to Bonds’ lopsided walk/strikeout ratio. A pretty obscure comparison.

It’s the ‘Honda blown engine cam: provided by Chevy’.

Um... well, where to start...

They’re still running those same - but now worn out - Neon engines. The new chassis and Mazda power never happened.