Simplify, then add beer

Less suits, more FIFOs

They may not be spinning wrenches but they are very much across the setup. The best drivers can tell you what part of the car is not working very quickly and you can’t do that unless you know that car inside & out.

Lightweight frame with batteries and motor in the back. This thing must be so hard to handle. Sneeze at it the wrong way and you’re going backwards into the trees like its an old 911.

What makes this even more shocking (get it?) is this Gold Coast race is notorious for various shenanigans going on on those balconies during the race. There’s one corner that almost always has topless ‘waitresses’ hired for parties.

There’s a similar theory going around that the whole thing is a test for Michael who is actually human and is being assessed for his entry into the Good Place.

Now playing

His one episode character as the Big Bad Wolf on Legion was fantastic, the rap battle at the end was the best.

He’s also chasing a lot of other records, most wins, most pole positions, etc.

Step 1) Clone 11 Maldonados, 10 Grosjeans and put in Andreas de Cesaris just for shits and giggles.

Turbine whine and a soft top. Pass.

Hang on, isn’t McLaren smashing it this year in Formula 1.5?

If I was travelling with a <2yo kid from Sydney to NYC I would pick this flight in a heartbeat.

Side note, I did not realise how much I missed Fancy Kristen in my life.

Outside of the fact that on a warm day it may actually fuse with a 6 month old’s skin it kinda makes sense. Easily wash off the litres of vomit and kilos of crumbs that seem to appear every bloody day.

It works so well in Mexico, they even moved the podium there.

popsicle space mummy

It would have been a lot more fun if he held up a picture of himself with Danny Glover

Oh wow, been thinking of a green wrap with a bit of matte, that is delicious

Well played, give him a time he can’t make it so you both have reasons to back out. You can easily blame the other guy

You’ll open it thinking you’ll be enjoying some delicious short bread, but in reality it will be your grandma’s sewing stuff.