No mention of the precursor to this, 32 Hours 7 Minutes - worth a watch to see Alex’s run
Ed Bolian’s run showed that you didn’t need Alex’s reliance on technology to win.
Well The Force Awakens was pretty much A New Hope, so they did try.
I think that’s why she gets so much hate, people lose their minds when a young girl doesn’t act like a young girl
I saw this car in the museum, how the hell he fit in there I do not know.
Plus they haven’t worked out the loophole for Ferrari yet.
And yet you still read the article and commented. That makes it a good click bait title
The Outkast “forever ever?” bit was bloody funny too
After 4 seasons I finally listened to one. Some interesting insights but holy shirt most of it is just blowing smoke up the cast & crew’s butts.
Wait, so a hybrid that uses electric motors for low speed driving doesn’t need to have one of these bleep-bloop noises, but a full electric does?
I wish they had a way to film and broadcast that show during the season. You almost want to not watch any races in 2019 and then binge the F1 season with the Netflix season
Could you imagine this start with F1 money & training? The ‘other team member’ would be an Olympic level sprinter.
Nope, they were on there. One of the drivers spun out during the race and for about 5 seconds Rich Energy had their brand presented in slow-mo.
Quite the rollercoaster of emotions.
“Multi 516" Doesn’t quite have the same ring to it.
Dude, her name is on the side. Just bedline the interior and it can be hosed out.
Who would I want to see? Someone who could portray the correct anguish when thing go to shit would be nice. I’d love to see a female lead not just going shopping but being a commercial badass.
Not having a RHD LJ sucks. Although it would be easier to just cut & stretch my RHD TJ I love the idea of a factory built long wheel base.