Simplify, then add beer

Your local roads are already paid for by your local taxes. This tax would be for the federal interstate system. So if you’re not using the interstate system, then it actually does seem fair that you don’t have to pay for it.

A lot weight-based vehicle miles traveled VMT tax is the fairest way to tax vehicles. Tolls aren’t needed.

I hereby announce my candidacy for Congress, on the platform that my signature legislation will be the “Ban Stupid Puns In Bill Names Act” (BSPIBNA), which will prevent Congresspeople from naming their proposed laws in ways where the acronym or initialism forms a word. 

The gas tax hasn’t been raised since the early 90s. Hybrids getting 40-50mpg pay substantially less than traditional gas cars. I hear no one ever ask those to pay more.

The way this country is voting I am not sure we need an electric nascar for at least 100 years.

Proof that anything lowered with just a touch of aero could turn a Duck into a Swan.

You’re going to shit your pants when you learn what rental cars are.

You’re giving Clarence Thomas an idea...

It’s a good thing cars only ever get hit in the front! 

That’s insane...PC Magazine still exists?

Flat earthers are to geography what the GOP is to politics. 

So it’s to terrify and intimidate. Like most cop behavior.

Sorry but that is utter crap.

I would be curious how much of their EV tech is stolen EV tech from other automakers

Gonna be at least 4 more years before there’s any kind of real government pressure, so may as well just go back to selling ICE vehicles until someone tells these C-Suite dimwits what they should really be doing.

Amazing that the company which successfully remembered to program fart noises into the car, which is so very necessary to its successful operations, didn’t remember the existence of trains.

Well, we were 100% ok with it when it was textiles and literally everything else. The big difference here is that there is no American company that’s making money off it. 

Now playing

I’m on your side about the folks here who build cars — the long-term risks of not making vehicles that can compete in the global market are very real and need to be considered. Harley-Davidson is a great example, with its turn to tariffs and protectionist policy instead of actually building globally competitive bikes c