Simplify, then add beer

This is the bit I don’t get. This is Formula Freaking 1, the pinnacle of technological development in any sport. How can they not design a safe fueling system?

Yes, but this is a Tom Cruise movie so it is basically a stunt reel with an ordinary plot stuck in the middle somewhere.

Wouldn’t that be a prequel?

It this isn’t #COTD I’m going to dust off my coding skills and create an extension to block you. with blackjack and hookers!

Urgh, as someone who has a mild allergy to citrus fruit this would be borderline torture. I’d have to go sit somewhere else for an hour.

Holy shit that is brutal. COTD!

Came to make the joke, glad to see it was fufilled

Nope, not buying it. Stop posting such drivel.

There have been a few things in F1 recently that have not blown out into a full investigation.

Yes you are correct, an ICE car could beat it.

Cracking post there and you’ve nailed it. To say they cherry picked the best bits of the 1000/2000/70 is just bullshit. They’ve built the car they wanted to build and attempted to stuff it into their lineage.

My first thought was that her seeing him in an old car might be to help with her condition but he was just being a nice guy. Sweet

I haven’t driven in The Philippnes, but I love they way they handle traffic. A horn is to notify people, not used as an exclamation point.

Oh definitely. It’s like having a call centre for banking, you have to learn each county’s laws before you start taking calls.

It’s actually pretty smart when you think about it. Full autonomous is so very far away but it could be brilliant if you could outsource some of your driving overseas.

Dying to know how that range will apply to a round trip rock crawl in a single day.

And if she goes into the water, she’s a human submarine!

That’s right up there with 1999 as one of the best years in modern(ish) cinema.

It looks more like a Puma...