Simplify, then add beer

Whilst the V10/V12s sound a lot better I do find the current cars a lot..easier to watch. It’s less distracting and you can hear things other than engine noise like the crowd responding to a pass. It also means you don’t need to wear ear protection at the track which is a lot more sociable!

There’s a scene with Rene Russo where she gives him a small potion-y looking bottle. I was sure that was going to be a miracle weight loss elixir just so we can see some more Thor-abs

When in doubt always go with Cara Gee

You could have put a title up saying this was the new 7 series and I would have believed you. This thing is yuuuuge.

A lot of the really low-slung cars will go around the outside of carousel - The last F1 demo did the same thing. There’s a definite concern about damaging the nose or underneath when you drop in there.

Baku is an example of why Bernie likes to work with dictatorships. Very few democratic leaders would allow an F1 circuit messing up their city but if the rich oligarchs want a track in their location of choice, they are getting it

There’s more than one line as well which makes for some excellent racing.

Side note on the manual converted Pagani - Lewis apparently thinks it drives like shit. Not sure if that helps the argument....

This popped up on my er...feed last night. 

Remember the days before Merc won everything? Hamilton basically whined on the radio for 2 hours on a Sunday.

Hi Disney execs, please ignore the above reply. Nothing to see here...

It’s about time they went further back than just the bloody Skywalker family.

First time I went to Vienna the tram conductor sounded just like Arnie. It absolutely blew my mind, I thought I was going to spend two weeks in a country that was having a permanent Arnie impersonation contest.

Tightbeam laser available as a factory option

If the system is truly modular, I could remove the DJ decks and hide the DJ’s dead body in the same spot. It’s so versatile!

How this movie hasn’t been remade recently I do not know. It is perfectly fitted for today’s bling-centric culture, and the Political third act is almost prophetic.

The US is the largest importer of Chinese goods, but not by a magnitude.

What are the numbers on the right? Part numbers for the black market?