Simplify, then add beer

I personally think Will Smith was the worst thing about Suicide Squad, purely because he always plays a nice guy and couldn’t sell being a contract killer.

I think what is holding this thing back is their desire to make it as similar to an ICE drift car.

Long version - they are rolling deathtraps built out of everything from old Jeeps to bits of old real estate signage. Whilst providing the only form of public transport availale to millions of Filipinos, they are also a nightmare on the roads, clogging up lanes to pick up passengers and spitting out nasty arse fumes.

My dad sold his hill climbing MG-A when they started having kids, they bought an MG-B when I was about 7 years old. My dad and I would drive down to the beach with the boards taking up the front seat and most of the back. Some great memories.

It definitely was added to the board - you can still see it on Top Gear’s website:

Just wait for the porn parodies...which I’m sure already exist.

Chris Harris’ take is a perfect example of this, it had him blacklisted by Ferrari for years.

As well as a 19yo engine can, considering I once drove with no oil after punching a hole in the sump. I am running 4.556 ratio gears so I’m not as reliant on grunt to get up to speed.

I still think they do. Whilst you’re not going to order the Merc W10 after watching Hamilton yawn to victory, the last few years have shown that they can build some serious high tech engines.

Trying to eat healthy this week and then you describe this beauty. You bastard.

I tested the waters with my 3yo last month by watching an Avengers cartoon.

I’d like to offer you 1.6 billion for a 12% stake.

3k? Mine bounces off the limiter at 5500rpm

Oooh...we need a video of him hooning it!

in 20 years people will write stories about the i8 and i3 in the same light. BMW engineers going a bit too bonkers and forgetting that people actually need to buy these cars.

There are 6 Jeep concepts this year, 3 are custom jobs done by Mopar (like the M715) and 3 are done by Jeep and are based on options available to the public.

This is a good contribution

I’m a fan of where electric cars are going not for environmental reasons but from a technological/engineering standpoint.

I’m honestly terrified to think of what an unrestricted F1 car would be like. The physical limitations of a human would have to come into play.

Question for you - what is the best age to start a kid in MA?