Simplify, then add beer

I think this is the race that Jenson boinked his girlfriend in the chillout room right after the race...

Not as bad as coal though

Gump walks in on Brett drunkenly groping the soon-to-be Doctor, he says ‘Uh, sorrrry’ and walks out

Wow, that thing is awesome. Still can’t quite work out the wheel setup. 1-1-2?

Anyone else read that in Tahani’s voice?

So they basically borrowed 12.5m from someone for 10 years? Not a bad plan really.

I remember seeing Michael Moore being interviewed in 2002 and saying something along the lines of “Maybe if we didn’t have 50 FBI detectives working on a case to see where a President put his dick we might not have missed the 24 Saudis who were planning a terrorist attack”.

Never wore DCs when I was skating, but I half a dozen of them now. Odd.

Watching Rosberg snatch the championship from a whining Hamilton in the last race of the season was a massive highlight for me. Having both cars on the same team actually increases the drama.

urgh, drag videos. You know the entire race is going to be 10 seconds or less, but the video is 9 minutes of a car idling.

All that work and some asshat hits you with a zergling rush...

Well they are making a fortune with their ‘user pays’ festival policing... #keepsydneyopen

Anyone else think his Trump rant was a bit too long this week? Felt a bit like filler.

Considering the biggest complaints about the book were the story line didn’t meet the expectations of the world-building this is a bit alarming.

Linking the images because I can and Patrick can’t:

I remember an episode where he ditched the speedster and bought a new 911 which was carjacked the next day. Maybe from this episode?

Normally you’d file this under vapourware however they haven’t gone batshit crazy with the performance times. No 500kph top speed, no sub-1 sec launch times.

This will sell out. Quickly.