The true story is even funnier. Ford Australia had some bodies left over in the factory, and an exec from Detroit was inspecting the place. He told them to just ‘paint some stripes on it and call it a limited edition’, and the rest is history
The true story is even funnier. Ford Australia had some bodies left over in the factory, and an exec from Detroit was inspecting the place. He told them to just ‘paint some stripes on it and call it a limited edition’, and the rest is history
Rico is definitely siding with Errinwright
“We’re not calling it the Linda”
Urgh, this is why i avoid traliers and promos. They used to handle this so well on Mad Men, their ‘next episode’ promos were just random scenes without context
Has S1 even made it to OZ netflix? Been trying to find a 4k version to watch
Ooh boy, are you going to be disappointed...
I’m enjoying the split from the books, it means I’m not just seeing a visualistation of a story I already know. Makes it surprising.
My obsession with Cara Gee’s Drummer is getting a little concerning. She’s made that role such an unusual badass character, feels so authentic for a belter
It actually took me a few episodes to get on board with with him playing the role, as he was such a snivelling bastard in Spartacus.
Your google image search history must be quite...interesting.
Used mine for the first time on the weekend, makes wrenching on the Jeep so much easier
Used mine for the first time on the weekend, makes wrenching on the Jeep so much easier
There’s gotta be a venn diagram with a veerrrryyy small overlap of people who a) have the cash and b) have the appropriate talent
I’m probably being a bit optimistic, but a non-hdr 24fps 2160p feed with HEVC compression is pretty small. Amazon recommend a minumum of 13mbps and that is not x265 and runs 2160p60 with HDR.
Sky UK has a 4k feed. 5mbps is enough for 4k. It’s technically possible, however I feel if it was a feature it’d be mentioned in the press release
Have you ever thought that the ‘write up’ is actually content, involving research, writing and publishing?
There’s a script for not one, not two, but a fucking trilogy of Tetris movies out there. I will never be surprised ever again.
I read that in a four year old’s whiney voice. I figured that was what you were going for.
Thousands of vehicles with lithium, copper & other ‘exotic’ materials will be crashed, dumped, burned or turned into landfill and never recycled.
I recently had my hair cut by a flat earther. Spent a good half an hour explaining how the earth is round, and that I have physically seen the curvature of the earth with my own eyes. He still said he was skeptical.