Simplify, then add beer

Just occured to me that Whiterose’s LHC that he wants to move to the Congo may not be a time machine, but a quantum computer.

How the hell was that title a spoiler? It could refer to a suicidal existential crisis or a really satisfying post-morphine crap.

Waterproof =/= rainstorm

Trust me, racial issues is not just an American thing. In Australia the incaceration rate for Aboriginals is 13 times higher than the rest of the population. The UK has the same issues, not to mention the African population in France or Turks in Germany.

Pretty sure they are one and the same, e.g. Bruce Wayne

So there is one thing I am learning about myself watching Mr Robot - I can apparently hold my breath for 60 minutes straight. But only once a week.

I think the massive Hadron collider and statements like “there’s another world out there for both of us” imply the former.

Ahhhhh that is where that song is from

I...I want to un-know this. Will be a huge twist.

I’m not a fan either, but the massive spike in 4 door Wrangler sales greatly helps Jeep keep the price down and allows them to put more stuff in the new JL. A necessary evil.

You’re obviously so invested in these posts that you didn’t even mention that there is no show next week.

Had 10 seconds:

I think the water on Mars thing is there to remind you that it is still 2015, they’ve had a couple of new stories like that in the last two seasons.

End of Season two shooting.

This show strives to reward those with computer knowledge, from the Raspberry Pi bit in S1 to the fact that they make the actors actually type instead of simulating it. The ‘where is a goddam USB stick’ felt kinda like fan service.

I’m betting the cat belongs to his latest girlfriend:

Just went through this same hassle with VW. In Australia you have to take the mid to high spec so you can get the an addon pack which then allows you to pay $1500 for a sunroof. Ridiculous.

That’s the kind of trick you pull 6 seasons in, not when a show is performing like this one!

Not just pet food, in China melamine was put into baby formula resulting in 12 deaths. Even a decade later it is still difficult to buy formula in Australia as the Chinese still don’t trust their local product.