They just had a tour down to Sydney. Kids seats were like $80.
They just had a tour down to Sydney. Kids seats were like $80.
- High Level of external prescriptive design to give ‘Plug-And-Play’ engine/chassis/transmission swap capability
yes and no. MGU-H means the engine is a lot more torquey which means you see drivers taking 2nd gear corners in 3rd. Back in 2014 there was more slipping around corners but not with the 2017 rubber.
It is starting to happen. Merc talked about recently.
I’m surprised no one else picked this up.
Had you said “too, me” you would have collected a star.
Agree. Watch that video and listen to the laughter, then watch Emma Stone’s face. Everyone in that room knew what he was on about.
That is the sadly ironic part about this. Most of the Falcons and Commodores sold in the last 3 or 4 years have been fleet vehicles or taxis. Most Ford/Holden sedans I see are taxis and are definitely not seen as future classics.
This worried me because this show doesn’t make throwaway bits like this. They usually follow through on small comments like this.
Funny, I like this show because they never miss details. I did notice the handcuff thing, they probably attempted it with his hands behind his back but it may have looked crap.
I think it was this episode more than most. S2 was sharper which makes me think it’s yet another trick by the director.
Did you miss this? I almost did:
I’m almost tempted to sit down and try to create a chronological edit of Seasons 1 - 3 (once ended), would be interesting to watch all of these ‘filler bits’ arranged with the 5/9 and stage 2 events.
This. Electric cars rewrite the rules on FWD/RWD. No drive shaft tunnel to worry about
Please do not mention Gina in the same article as a car called Fleshlight, err, Flesby
Was looking at a Grand Cherokee last week and the dealership recommended getting a third party sunroof, probably for the kickbacks.
I now know what I want for Christmas...
Yup. It’s an American’s impersonation of a British accent.