Been commenting on Kinja for years and just installed kinjaimprove. Holy crap!
I feel the same. I went into watching the Ghostbusters remake with open eyes (big Kristen Wiig fan) but that movie was just awful, yet if I complain about it I’m a fucking misogynist.
I’ve been facing bluetooth streaming dramas with my Huawei Mate 9, both with a wireless headset and a wireless speaker.
The cocaine is cheaper, they do a nice wine and the steaks are tastier. Oh, and they have mountains or something.
My first thought when I saw those huge nostrils:
Come to Australia...they are everywhere. 2 of the top ten cars sold here in 2017 are Mazdas.
Just think about that for a second:
That story freaks me the hell out but I wonder about the science behind it. Unfortunately (or fortunately) it is a difficult experimentnt to repeat.
My brother accidentally waved his underwear at Lizzie once. (he was walking down to the laundromat. Philip waved back!
Also the boot.
Care to translate?
We have a similar problem in Sydney. The company that owns the airport also has partial ownership of a taxi company. Which means the Uber/family pickup is ridiculous.