So...guessing Chevy is on this list purely because it rhymes with heavy?
So...guessing Chevy is on this list purely because it rhymes with heavy?
One of my favourite jokes at the moment:
Came here to post this. Still can’t work out what the talent/luck ratio was here.
He definitely deserved a sausage sizzle after that.
I have a nasty cold right now, and you just made me laugh-snort so hard that snot came out of my nose.
You could go surfing for porn and find a whole bunch of beautiful women who are also unobtainable...
This is a great party trick if you’re being an idiot. Select lowest of low gear, let it start crawling, then sit on the roof and steer with your feet whilst it slowly crawls up a hill.
This is a great party trick if you’re being an idiot. Select lowest of low gear, let it start crawling, then sit on the roof and steer with your feet whilst it slowly crawls up a hill.
Except the movie runtime would be around 11 or 12 hours. play sandcastles at night after bathtime before your child goes to bed???
I live on the side of the planet where all this shit is going down, and theoretically my country (Australia) is in range of NK’s missiles.
I have to work hard enough to get respect from the wifey to lose it by playing Kid N Play movies for her.
I thought it looked more like a Rolls Royce Puma
There’s an argument about how soft the JK is vs the TJ, but I’m too tired to make it.
Both usernames check out
Bringing this out of the grey for you because you are so right. Areas like Kensington are full of asshats doing exactly this.