Simplify, then add beer

That looks like the opening scene of an artistic suffocation snuff film

You heathen!

I feel like they should have the Rolls Royce version of a scantily clad lady, which would be something like this:

That’s like saying Trump is the best orange coloured president the US has ever had.

I’ve had my TJ for nearly 15 years now, however I agree that the CJ was the last proper old school Jeep.

Dash was plastic, and yes it utilised coils like a goddam hippy. Still love mine though.

You think the one with the shitty headlights and a Peugeot transmission was the ‘last true wrangler’???

This is the first gen model, newer one is available.

This is the first gen model, newer one is available.

C’mon, it will put the town on the map. It worked for North Haverbrook and Ogdonville!

Now playing

Quick, call that guy who does the battle simulations!

The chemtrail shapes would have been lovely.

I will happily go into debt for the rest of my life if I can use this thing to commute to work every morning.

“Look at the fine workmanship on this intercooler. The hours taken to carefully manufacture this single part, the cost involved to do it”

But what if man, what if, its a conspiracy by the Trump Administration to force Ford into moving their factories to the US?

This vehicle is infinitely customisable. You want an analog gauge? For the money I’d reckon they’d put a $20 JC Whitney tacho in there

But less reliable

Tried this, started at 3:25, first thing she says is “phew, it smells”

Has to be one of the more memorable scratches out there.

And in the sake of tradition they still make sure all Jeeps pull to the side when braking.

Eau Rouge is going to be fun: