Simplify, then add beer

The answer is this thing. At least they’re going to do a wagon version.

Yes! Back end is like the P1 had a stroke.

Threw a couple of pills of ecstasy into the cupholder?

That’s quite the graph. Although I’d suggest that the huge increase in spending in the 50s was not due to the Korean conflict as much as it was Cold War weapons development.

It’s not the noise that will get you, nor the traffic. It’s the smell of all those RV chemical shitters after race day.

Where I live (Sydney, Australia), that’s about a third of the price for a similar sized house. NP.

If you can’t tell the difference between a deer and a badger then you are definitely going too fast.

An old trick they pull in the really hot bits in Australia - a white sheet on your roof. Make sure it doesn’t flap and you’ll get a few degrees cooler.

Anyone else wondering why they had to film this from 2 miles away? Why not just film a drag race?

I remember running a computer store back in the Y2k days and being asked by some old customer about ‘the previous versions of e-mail’

Step one, check

Hamilton would be all gung ho for this until he realises his pretty face may be damaged.

He’s getting treatment for baldness - looks like an ongoing battle.

For all those asking about how it works in the daylight - the tunnel approach is about 12-15 feet below the rest of the lanes so it’s naturally shaded. You can see this thing even if its full daylight.

3rd row Tiguan? That would be awesome.

Just imagine it being prononced with a heavy Jamaican accent. Sounds a lot better.

Based upon that assumption their replacement engine will be powered by Audi or Volkswagen

Including his wife...