
Considering his biggest “controversy” was looking good in a tan suit

So what, Werner Heisenberg was like ten when he smothered a cat in a shoebox and lied his way out of it.

“Assembly is the reverse of removal”

This liberal bias is exactly why I canceled my subscription to Deadspin. I just read all the words in the articles and comment sometimes.

When you’re coming up on someone on the highway, and they’re too afraid to use cruise control, and instead of being steady with their foot, their speed fluctuates between 65-85, and I’m forced to pass you 6 times because every time I pass you, you speed up top 85 and then pass me and then slow down to 65, or I’m stuck

You and me, both. All day long, I’m blowing smoke up my own ass while strutting around, thinking “This is the kind of out-of-the-box thinking that has me sitting pretty at 6-0!”. Later, I’m watching the game (with the sound turned off), and I see Hoyer get mangled. I’m racking my brain, because I have no idea who the

This. So much of this. And fuck the Packers because well, they’re the Packers.

I started Jeff AND Mere...FML

My buddy started Hoyer over Palmer this week. Moments like this are the reason I play fantasy football, so I can kick friends while they’re down and they’re forced to live in shame for a week.

So I have always wanted to ask, is pulling off those lower chin straps from the side of the helmet in frustration the most satisfying thing? Because it sure looks like it. When I see that I’m like aw yeah, that guy KNOWS he fucked up.

“No cheating!”

Oh yeah? what did your roster end up looking like? Just kidding. No one gives a fuck.