
The check was giving electors the right to vote for other candidates if the one elected was unacceptable. That was the whole point. You argue that the EC is vital as a check but you want to do away with the check? That is dizzying logic.

Yes, you can. That was the POINT of the electoral college. To take away the Electors ability to cast their vote for somebody other than the person who won their state is to basically state there is no need for it anymore. In which case, it should be scrapped.

“Is about as undemocratic an electoral process as one could imagine.”...

Really? I think when somebody gets 2 million less votes than another person yet is still the winner is pretty undemocratic.

The fact of the matter is the electoral college isn’t a democracy and was never meant to be one. So I’m not sure what your

Saw him a lot in high school. He’s legit. The younger bros.... ehhhh...

How far outside 15 do you have UCLA? Granted they haven’t played anybody yet but these were games past teams struggled in and they’ve killed people so far.

Having watched too many bad action movies I thought the last Bad Soccer Man broke that kid’s neck.

Nope. Didn’t prove you were “over-emotional” as that is the absolute normal emotional response to this.

He thought it would be a safety. That’s the most rational guess.

So I always send links to friends when Drew gets to their teams.

Somewhere right now Brian Collins is kicking himself for bad timing.

I coach at a Catholic All-Boy’s School. A few years ago when our team was actually good our fans would chant (with a minute or two left in the game and if we were up comfortably) “hit the showers.”

In the playoffs we got matched up in the first round against a Jewish School. To our kids credit they stopped the “Hit

Clock doesn't stop on a make in high school.

I’m torn. On one hand I agree with everything you say.

On the other hand, you’re still risking your life at Chipotle, and I’m not ready to lose my daughter that way.

We had “hazing” on my HS basketball team but it was mostly extra physical exercise, or eating something disgusting at a team meal, or carrying the returning players bags. Nothing at this level. As far as I knew none of the other sports at our school had anything close to this level.

I am willing to go 2 years for 34 million. Yes it is less money, but it is also one less year in Cleveland.

Do you remember the first 10 minutes of Blade?

“I would choose it 7.5 times out of 7.5 fingers”

As a “big Milwaukee Brewers fan” that already causes some doubts as to trust your judgement.

“Well Phil we’ve mined the data and run the numbers and come up with only one solid conclusion.”

Yeah, where is Hawkeye?