The case will be thrown out when West looks at the judge for too long.
The case will be thrown out when West looks at the judge for too long.
In related news, Ryan Mink has just been hired to head up the Trump Impeachment Defense Team.
Not to make light of the situation but "Seducing an unmarried woman” is an actual thing you can be charged with?
So you’re arguing that “child pornography” is not an accurate description of pornography featuring a child?
I'm not as familiar with the state/local politics of Georgia but if she came out in favor of a boycott would she be electorally viable at the state-level?
That’s how you defend the push off that Lilliard is attempting. Hook the arm so that he can’t bring the arm back quickly for the open shot he’ll get with the space created by the push off.
My only guess is that if he calls the timeout he can’t call for a video review on any goal scored after and he wanted that in his back pocket in case there were any controversial ones.
Disappointed that the ref didn’t count the pin.
I’ve haven’t been as interested in reading something that I didn’t understand a word of since I read “Gravity’s Rainbow.”
Or if he’s referring to Rondo as the “pot” calling Paul “the kettle” black... isn’t he agreeing that Paul is a bad teammate?
I call BS. Nobody in the SEC believes the climate changes.
Wait... wait... wait. Navy has a pass option????
No, no, no. 29 was Getting hit by a car.
You’d think that. But no. It was for not wearing a tie.
I don’t have the article in front of me but it was linked on Leslie Jones’ twitter account. Not sure if the school or he released the reasons.. I was skimming it before my class started.
In the full article I read they do have a list of reasons of why he was being let go as a teacher. They are pretty petty and small issues but they are issues. Best guess is they aren’t happy about the racial composition of the teams, so let’s use these small, but legitimate, issues to force him out.
I can totally see why some people would say he doesn’t have anything interesting to say. But I will say that at least Dicky didn’t try to create a persona or image to fit in better to what people consider “rap” to be about. He’s goofy because if you grow up white and middle class you have the luxury of being goofy. It…
A few years ago you had a better point (re: Mid-Majors playing each other). But with the committee de-emphasizing RPI and coming up with the “quadrents” it minimizes the benefit of MTSU playing a St. Mary’s.
To be fair, given how heinous the school acted during Nasser, I’m not getting “mad again.” I’m still pretty fucking outraged.
You’re right. If she didn’t let twitter distract her she would have won a Platinum Medal insteas of just a Gold.