
Vince Vaughn has more range than DeAndre Jordan.

Or just ask another doctor? I mean, yes the above are good ideas. But to me the biggest failing in this case was the fact that after Nasser wowed them with his explanation and power point they didn’t say, “Can we get a copy of that power point?” and take it to another doctor.

It is my understanding though that NFHS rules aren’t the rules used by every state/sections/league. That most are followed and they are a general guideline, but each state has the ability to set its own rules. I know California has a shot clock while most states don’t (a shock to my team when we played in a tournament

Thank you for your reporting of this story. Much like Diana Moskovitz’s reporting on Baylor it is a story I wouldn’t have known much about if you didn’t spend a tremendous amount of time and effort to let us know the details.

It took me a while to get through this. I had to stop and pause because I just couldn’t take

I get it. And it’s AWESOME.

I absolutely agree. I do think, in his mind at least, that the statement of being a father is supposed to give it more “weight.” Now, I absolutely don’t agree with that but I do think it is where his head was at.

It’s pretty obvious he misspoke on the issue of “I hope the right person was convicted.” I have very little issue with that.

Supporting the President of the University was not good form.

You mean like they started to do to take advantage of Watson’s skills?

Not only are there more of them, there are a shit-ton more of them. Now some of them are hangers-on and not actually blood uncles but as somebody who regularly saw the Balltourage get people kicked out of good seats at Chino Hills games so they could sit there they have enough.

Except, if you’re talking about this article, it was always there (unless Deadspin has done away with noting when an article has been edited. Which, if this is the case, then bad form on Deadspin and you have my sincere apologies for doubting your formidable reading comprehension).

And if you were talking about the

Are you really blaming them for your failure to read the entire article before saying anything about it?

If yes, a follow-up question... are you one of my current students?

Stunned that a guy who seemed to attend 85% of the high schools in Los Angeles during his early high school career might have ties to shady dealings.

Luckily I’m offering Rand Paul my thoughts and prayers so this will never happen again.

That would just be the same thing as trying to speak louder to my grandfather who doesn’t speak English wouldn’t it?

I live in LA but absolutely hate the Dodgers.

I think it’s fine to “enter into dialogue” with this being the starting point. So my counter is that in the name of “unity” everybody kneels for the anthem. We’ve now achieved Roger’s goal. Yay!

“Would a black woman who wanted to rap have been told to do pop instead?”

I may be wrong, but I seem to remember this being an issue with Nicki Minaj early on.

See, here is where you are a dipshit.

It’s one thing to wait for proof, or to say you want proof.

But you had to say this, “ I mean, a guy who is trying to get more attention to his protest of poor treatment of minorities wouldnt have any motivation to make up this story.....and right as the start of the season

Somebody pointed out above, much better than I can, the major difference between the cases. Zeke was being asked to give evidence and statements in a case that was also being investigated as a criminal complaint. That evidence could be turned over to prosecutors (even if they have already finished investigating it

Counterpoint: The Rangers, in an attempt to gain an advantage to win the Wild Card, are the reason this game was not in Texas.