
He deleted his last tweet.

“You know what? Fuck it. Just go watch The Wire.”

I played pop warner with him. He was always a terrible human being.

How is Deadspin reacting to the loss of BlessedToComment to Reddit?

Deadspin attempted to speak to the woman about the incident but were told that Ms. Rousey's training camp was closed to the media.

Regardless of the debate one thing is very clear from the Stan Kroenke renderings.

I think it is sad you are rooting for this kid to have a horrible injury and have to sit out his rookie year.

Actually our school does it becuase most colleges did it for the admissions process. It was easier to just have one G.P.A.

Overall APs are good. The stat Drew pointed out is accurate, even just taking an AP class increases college success rates (regardless of performance on exam). My only issue is I think the need to align the curriculum more with a typical 100 level non-major course would be. If the kids are working towards 100 level

I currently teach AP Government and was a Political Science Major in college. Without a doubt, at least in this subject, the AP course and exam are tougher than the college course.

AP is supposed to replicate a 100 (entry) level course in college. I'd say at least 25% of the concepts (and on AP Gov there are MANY

That being said a larger pool with the same entry fee would generate a greater possible return if you were to win.

"Hell, I wouldn't put it past the NFL telling him to stay away just to avoid the existence of photos of Roger Goodell and Winston shaking hands."

There would be no bye with 128 teams in a bracket.

"Art McAfee has worked with the NCAA""

I don't see how you can't see the similarities.

As you can see ladies and gentlemen of the jury, at no point on this list does he include "murder Odin Lloyd."

"Clearly it's a butterfly knife."

"But let me get this straight. At no time did they say, 'Fuck her right in the pussy?... Then what's the issue?"

Farmer: "hey i was thinkin' maybe we shud run the ball more ;)"

Still not the worst reaction to a loss. I remember these Vietnamese Monk...

Hey, hey, hey. It's not a beard. Sabrina is a human being.