Jeff Ban

California’s regulations apply only to cars sold in California and other states that voluntarily opt in.  

I’m a white guy who’s also made this mistake, just want to thank the SDPD for knitting my mom that sweater!!

just want to say i appreciate the writers who, like you’ve done, handle criticism (even unnecessarily criticism) with a calm, cool, and collected manner, supported by facts. it’s really great to see professionalism still lives on blogs.

But you’re a woman! Clearly you wouldn’t know jack shit about computers. /s

Seems appropriate.

No, Tesla would split the fee they receive. The person had to wait would get a credit or equiv for their time.

Wait, I’m confused. Why should the person who had to wait pay part of the penalty for something out of their control?

I have an embarrassing number of old computers and game consoles in my office: four Apple IIs (//e, ][+, two //cs), A TI 994/A, Atari 400, Dragon 64, Atari 2600, Odyssey 2, Intellivision, Russian famiclone, SNES, Sega Master System, Vectrex, and even a Virtual Boy. I have a problem.

It is good that he neither understood nor cared about it, as it does not exist anywhere.

I totally got one of these things for Christmas as a kid. It was cool as hell, but folding it back up was a bit tricky.

This title. The general attitude of the comments in this thread. Its why you just lost an election.

Poor Jacob. Hombre was tryin’ to be a real Trooper and fight through the hypertension, but couldn’t quite make it through the whole Rodeo. Alas, he has now VehiCROSSed over and Ascender’d to heaven.

so we can make shit go faster than it did stock. next question?

Move to SoCal. Problem solved!

S. Californian here, be sure to make sure the lid to your peppermint latte is affixed well in your cup holder on those brisk 50 degree mornings. :)

ABC is reporting that the final cost of the contract is around $3 billion, but that cost is probably rising. His $4 billion number may not be that much of an exaggeration.

Oh yeah, I member. Member Doug DeMuro? He was great.

Still shuddering at the thought of being wet and moving through the air at speed.

Don’t just pin this on HS and technical programs or deride people who don’t work with their hands. This cuts both ways, in terms of who is responsible.