Jeff Ban

Ah yes, this makes way more sense.

This is super interesting to me. Got any papers or journals on this you could share?

To be fair, this is an excellent tip for winter.

You never go full fan service.

This is awesome.

It’s an acquired taste. As with most bitter drinks it takes some time for your taste buds to adjust. Might not be super pleasant at first, but it seems to unlock a whole new appreciation for different tastes where bitter is no longer a bad thing.

This might just be the case because you’re seeing the adjustments back to back so it seems like a drastic change. My guess is if you were looking at them with no previously color bias then you wouldn’t notice the difference.

I realize this is old, but how do you think a stock Ram 1500 4x4 will do?

I’ve been thinking about healthcare a lot lately, and I wrote down my thoughts on it recently. I don’t know that what I’m saying is exactly right, but to me it makes logical sense:

The current secretary of state is John Kerry and has been since February 1, 2013.

Casey is gonna be bummed. Or he’ll just keep riding them....Let’s be real: he’s going to keep riding them.


Just go buy all their shirts and whatever you can find at the dealership.

My Ram 1500 rocks vinyl everything basically. Much more resilient than carpet.

“Obesity epidemic ended in America thanks to Nintendo. We are receiving reports that they were just trying to ‘catch ‘em all’”

It’s far more supported than the statement: “No one is impressed by your dumb choreographed videos, OK Go.”

I’m a bit confused by the “fix” scenario. A lot of what I’ve read seems to imply that if we, as the owners, take the cash, that we would be responsible for making sure it meets regulations, not necessarily VW. Anyone got clarification on that?

Want. Super hard. Hard as the top.

As someone who has magnets implanted in me from a surgery...this is terrifying.

This is like the opposite of the Russian and German cease-fire when they were being attacked by wolves: