
Well, my Mom got the bigger raise.

The only personal knowledge I have of that is my Mother. She worked at a small plant that was bought by Georgia Pacific. They didn’t really want that plant, but it was in a package deal. They decided to see if it made any money at all. They decided to strike for more pay at this time.

Okay, then just bring back station wagons.  I’m fine with just snapping their legs off.

No, just using something effective against the fools who floorboard it to close the gap as soon as a signal comes on.

I’m amazed that you can put ‘golf’ and ‘sports’ in the same category.  It’s a hobby, like tiddly winks.  But there’s an International Tiddly Winks Championship, also.

For a while, I needed a truck.  I had an old ‘78 C10.  I enjoyed commuting on 285 with that thing.  I would just wait for a Mercedes or BMW coming up on the left, put on my blinker, and move over.  They always slowed down.  Later, when I had a new car, I was the one that had to slow down.

I know a couple of people involved with NASCAR. I told one that I figured it this way... Every winter, the France family and friends lock themselves in a conference room with a bucket of hot wings and bottles of Jack Daniels. Then they argue out the rule changes for the next year.

The new system, designed to keep people enthralled, basically has a lot of holes in it...

He only got a 2 for Charisma.

I think it falls under the ‘windfall’ rule that takes 40%+ from lottery winnings.  A friend of mine won a ‘free’, very expensive, fully restored T-Bird in a long Atlanta contest.  Based on its value, he owed $7,000.  

Couldn’t China and India just be a normal evolution of sales, though? So, for 20 years, sales went up as more people had more money. A lot of these were likely people buying cars for the very first time.

Why worry?  Duke Power is going to raise the rates as soon as people start plugging in cars.

The Honda E was the first, and I mean FIRST, car that the production model resembled the prototype that closely. So I wonder what this will actually look like once the bean counters get ahold of it.

Why wait ‘till NOW to bring this up?  Obama, Clinton... look at their worth.  Where did all their money come from (besides graft)?   

Eh, it’s Cal.  They’d declare the DAR terrorists.

Excuse me??? As a child, I went to an NRA class where we learned safety and proper handling with .22 rifles. I also went to a hunting class.

Not me.  I have a Remington 700 signed by Dale Jr.

You obviously weren’t listening in 1988. I was actually glad when they froze automatic weapons. It sounded like a great idea. It wasn’t even a week later that they started on the next stuff. Then it started to get worrying.

Also watch the movie ‘Looker’.

At my age, what could they possibly threaten me with?