
Technically, I would call Suicide Squad a reboot of Dirty Dozen... just without believable characters, or a straight plot, or a realistic situation.

I was scratching my head over that myself.  Only in the sense of very, very vague almost-hinting.

The funny thing about China car sales is that it simply follows the path of any market recorded in the tech era...

Maybe the riding is how she stays so pretty... just like my plan...

I hope my Wife’s Amazon Prime account can get us into this. I spent a year in Japan and hardly scratched the surface. Marines weren’t well liked while I was over there, never mind I was a computer tech. Wherever I went, I liked getting lost and going to local places rather than all the touristy stuff. It took a long

If you read the book, the ending (for the human, at least) isn’t so great.

I like it, too. and it seems better integrated to dump straight into edit.

Actually, they listed it as 150 billion Yen.  That’s like, $60.

Why not?  We already have Fiats as Jeeps.

I talked to an official once who said the only things local Gov’t recycling wants is steel, aluminum, and clear glass. Those are the only things sold easily for re-use. And the statistics for recycled steel and aluminum are great!

Misleading lead photo.  With the steering on the wrong side (for American readers), he is not driving this.

I could not have said that any better.  They are barely tolerable at their best.  No one ever says; “Well, it’s Saturday.  What say you and I go hang out at the dealership today?”

3rd.  Nissan seems very wobbly about stuff right now.  But a 6-cylinder Frontier is on my short list for a purchase.  I figure, old as it is, it’s got to be a solid, bug-proof thing by now.  Is it still worth a look?

Same. I really, REALLY wanted to like the Bolt.  And since I love the HHR, a lot of plastic doesn’t scare me.  But...

Very, very true.  The Ikea run to Charlotte is about 80 miles.  If I can’t charge there some, I need to get home, ‘cause there ain’t no chargin’ on the way.

The UAW is only concerned with keeping them employed.  Not their conduct or performance.  

Back is fine.  Profile okay.  But the pics won’t show you that hideous front end (on purpose?).

Just go with it.  This is the last bastion for people with common sense about cars, as well as the futurists who drool over the concepts that we know we’ll never see.

Yes, that has ‘young married couple clueless about the World’ written all over it.

Buick was defined as, and I quote this site, “The entry level of the luxury car market”.