
We’d do much better also, if we could get the Kei cars here.

How would this effect other contractors down the road, like professionals in large companies?  Lots of companies simply aren’t hiring permanent personnel for things like IT, maintenance, but for some of us, it’s like we are.  I have set hours and jobs to do, but, at my... more mature age, I will never be permanent.

And the funny thing is a friend of my Wife just bought her second one.  She got one of the first ones in the US, drove it many miles for all those years without a single problem.  Not one.  I suppose her new one is the last.  Even stranger is that she’s 6' tall.

Or lower prices.

That would take one guy driving from city to city in his Nissan Versa with some paperwork, yes.

Yeah.  Hard to dredge up sympathy for that when you’re driving an 11-year-old Chevy.

“We guarantee $400 over book!”

There’s a minor variation on that theme. The Chevy/Buick dealer near me is nice enough, but I cringe every time I go there. I have an independent shop who does most of my regular work, and only go to the dealer when it’s a internal, model specific thing they don’t do.

Point taken. Whatever you want to call it... that large Island that has been called ‘England’

Well, prove you know your orifice from an excavation.  Try saying something useful.  You must be a dem.

I’ve never figured this out, either.  Technically, Uber could be nothing more than a couple guys, a programmer, and a few servers.  All this ‘lost money’ could likely be going to offshore bank accounts and Ferraris.

That doesn’t hold water as a comparison, either.  California and Kentucky, for the most part, speak the same language, and are both part of the same Country using the same currency.  Now if Calif. used, say, grapes as currency, and Ken. used corn, then there would be all kinds of arguments about how much corn equals

The funny thing is that the UK survived for a few thousand years without the EU.  One thing the Brexiters did have right was that they were contributing more than they were getting.  The EU is using the more solvent Countries to prop up the troubled ones.  The Euro does not translate evenly across the board.  Look at

I understand that part, also. BB is like... Mecca for me. I gaze in hypnotised wonderment at the pretty colors on TVs I don’t even have wall-space for.  I’m drawn to games I know I will never play, cameras I would never have with me when I needed them, and then drag the Wife out of the appliance section.  All when we

I understand that part, also. BB is like... Mecca for me. I gaze in hypnotised wonderment at the pretty colors on

Look at List.

Look at List.

Actually, I think that falls under ‘disparity of force’. The legal term used when the aggressor is so much bigger than the victim. It is also the clause that allows a weak victim, like a woman, to use deadly force in self defence.

I thought company incentives like; “$21 an hour” was part of their complaint now.  Note the ‘while driving with a passenger’ thing that they’re so mad about.  You can promise any amount of money, but if the ride is only going 10 blocks in 5 minutes, that’s not much pay.  Do any of them get to actually drive for 8

There’s a difference between aircraft that kill everyone inside of it and everyone outside of it... never mind.

Tell that to Yahoo Serious.*

I don’t mind that atol.