
The difference in that comparison is that many use a smartphone for more than one substitute. A smartphone takes the place of a phone, an internet connection, and for some, even a computer. It’s not really that more expensive in the long run. We had our landline cut off years ago.

The first part, yes. But how long will it be before common peasants can buy an autonomous car?  Heck, OnStar added $1200 to the price of a Cobalt.  ‘Infotainment’ can add thousands.  How expensive are these cars going to be?

I don’t think that would be as much of an issue here unless we move some 20-30 million miles closer to the sun.

I have never seen them in the same room together, so there is the possibility.

I had a friend bought a brand-new Sterling.  Two years later?  No parts, no service center.  He had to mail off for maintenance bits.

Doesn’t Vauxhall make Utes?  Where are the Utes???

“the most powerful government in the world”... You mean China? After all, who;

I remember getting that survey just a couple weeks after I bought my last new car.  How the heck can I tell what’s going to break?

Nope.  The Saturn V used different engines.  Chrysler just got us into space... which, really, is more than Ford did.

Adjusting the timing by turning the distributor cap?

I believe it was explained here earlier.  Apparently, there’s more than one truck award.  A LOT more, like 9 different truck levels.  You can win one and brag.  But did they really go into details on exactly which version of the award they one?

I like crank windows. Put more into the truck, and less into the geegaws.

You learn something new every day though...

The funny thing is that there were no nazis in this ‘nazi-themed’ show.  Besides that it was a Luftwaffe camp, the Germans often watched what they said and thought, for fear of Gestapo punishment.  I can’t remember a single bona-fide nazi at all.

It would be if it was my brother-in-law.  Yikes!

I want a Nutzfahrzeuge just to have the badge on the trunk!

You put that very well.  I also have those; “who am I more pissed at” weeks.

Truth.  Originally, NASCAR could ONLY use a production model.  Now, they only pretend to use the name and put a sticker on the front.  The whole big hoopla this year about ‘no more Fusion’ is a crock.  The parameters of the car didn’t change.

That’s on the window sticker.  Been there for years.

I had the Paddy Wagon.  Almost exactly the same, but in blue.