
‘83 Caprice Estate had one, so Toyota stole it anyway.

I’ve ridden bikes for around 40 years now.  None of them a Harley, since they don’t fit my style, are horrible in small spaces, and more expensive than my last car.  My ‘77 Yamaha XS750D was a dream.  Low center of gravity, fluid-like motion on long trips... well, I could go on.  I tried one, but could never get over

Explain to us how one person is responsible for all this.  I have a handgun.  I don’t have at-home children anymore.  I have Marine pistol expert badges for .45 and 9mm.  My ammo is secure.  Pray tell me why ‘all these deaths’ are “my” fault?

Burying someone at sea is really, really hard.  Like, you scoop out one shovelful and the rest just pours in.  

ME!  If this was at the dealer, I would be there this weekend.

And the price of a small home now.

Well, I was happy with the V6, so I’ll just go down the middle and get better than both?

But the funny part is the corp. made more money.  If he had to buy 2 to make 1, that’s 2 sales right there.  To sell 100 figures, he had to buy 200.  So they made profit as well as sent him to jail?

True.  Oddly, the company that made the original figures would have made MORE money than normal, though.  If he had to buy 2 figures to make one, that didn’t hurt anyone.

5th rates a *shrug*.  Detroit is so far down the list of ‘Places I have to go’, I doubt it will matter.

I just had a look at my bank account...

Thanks for this.  I’m downloading a few as we speak.  I have been using GIMP for years.  That and LibreOffice keep me going cheaply.

“It’s a pretty damn incredible example of what the human body can do.”

I can understand the theory that England isn’t thrilled with having it’s economy and laws totally controlled by another country, though.  Kind of like the U.S. and China right now.

Yep.  My HHR is just getting run in.

If only those damned democrats would agree to what they ALREADY voted even MORE money for under Obama.

Ah, the memories... like installing my first AT hard drive, then finding out I needed to upgrade from DOS 2.0 to DOS 2.10 for drivers.

You could practically substitute many game titles in this article with the same problems.  Too many kids with too much money and no real incentive to work at it.  

And the radar guns made out of hair dryers!

I’m not a Trump fan, but I believe in border security. Heck, I believe in concertina, land mines, and M60s.