
I don’t think this is a racist thing, personally. I am getting quite familiar with campers eating up all the space while bringing nothing to the company. Places are getting tired of paying customers having nowhere to sit. Just because you’re too cheap to get an internet connection does not give anyone homestead rights

True.  Not every truck driver has ‘nads of titanium.

1st:  I think the only thing you could rightfully be worried about as a security risk is the entertainment/computer/internet systems that are getting so prevalent.  We do really know that the Chinese are hacking every tech thing on the planet.  Why shouldn’t we worry about millions of internet connected Chinese system?

Is this all the scooter’s fault, though?  I saw a guy roughly the size of a medium Buick on one last weekend.  

So I’ve been charging my battery pack for 9 hours, but someone downtown decides someone else needs that power more than me, and takes it back? I see that going over real well.

I’m a late boomer and ended up with a Shadow... same comfort, more quiet, and way, way less money.

That’s pretty accurate info, but let’s look at reality a bit more, as in, what I perceive to be ‘first generation’ EV owners...

Then you simply have to at least double storage capacity.  Already, we know that (a) Solar works best in daylight.  You need the sun, remember?  and (b) Most people would be charging their cars at night.  So now we have to store electricity even under ‘green’ conditions.

That has been my question from the beginning.  With big cities already having brownouts, what happens when you add half a million electric cars into the mix?  In a New York summer, no less?

But that is all betting that the status quo remains as is.  2001 and 2008 hasn’t taught them anything?  We can’t assume that the banks and Wall Street are going to do everything right forever.

I think part of it is that there is still a segment of younger or non-hauling people that like smaller cars. Some people, when they can afford it, like to buy new and keep for a while. Ford’s choice was to build either a better, more popular car, or give up. I think it’s rather short-sighted myself, but they don’t pay

Good ideas, but there is no perfect tool kit. Over 30 years, I have amassed a varied and strange assortment of odds-and-ends from all over the planet.

Good ideas, but there is no perfect tool kit. Over 30 years, I have amassed a varied and strange assortment of

Study the rest of the World. When I was in Germany, every Police car and Taxi was a BMW. At Frankfort’s car rental, they gave us a Mercedes.

Because people today don’t have the money, or sometimes the space, to own both now. Once I could own a coupe, a wagon, and a truck for everything I needed.  Not now.

No, it’s because you can put that 48-pack of paper towels from Costco in the back easily.

Then fix it! They were supposed to vote the ratio of the voters, not give away states.

One, the original reason behind the electoral college doesn’t really exist anymore, since we have communication now that can send vote results across country in minutes.

True. But I know far, far more people who bought a fancy car because “everyone else had one”, or to stand out more with their peers. I knew someone who hated their Mercedes and eventually bought a Toyota. They had it because her husband thought she should have a prestige car. A woman at work bought a BMW because half

4th: The problem is not that the Mini is a ‘compact’ car, it’s that it was originally put forward as an ‘economy’ car. That turned out to be a fat fib, with it’s initial cost and all the little things that seem to go wrong with it. I know 3 people who have had a rash of things, small and large, happen with their Minis

That’s why I like my VA loan... “No Mandatory Homeowner’s Association”.