
You need the right kind of engineers. Guys who designed carburetors or driveshafts are useless now. 

An interesting read there.  Also, read the story behind the Hatcher Tables.  A study on firearms and ammunition lethality made back when bodies were easier to get hold of.

It will be interesting once the DPC (Democrat Propelled Caravan) finally reaches the border.  Funny how these people can walk through half a dozen countries and nobody looks around and says; “Hey, nice place, and they speak our language.  Let’s settle here.”.

We would go on one training exercise after another.  This really wouldn’t cost any more than any other unit.  I spent more time in the field than I did in garrison.  It probably would be cheaper, eating MREs rather than at the base chow hall.

Maybe we should look at the rest of the World. Japan and Germany have high gas prices, yes, but that money goes for highway development directly. They also have TONS of nice, dependable, efficient, high-mileage cars, trucks, and vans.

Really.  The jack would probably be in the garage, within a few feet of the fusebox anyway.  An extra 20 minutes of work.

Everything does hold together for that first 90 days so they fill out the Initial Quality Survey.

I don’t care about the adaptive headlights nearly as much as I would like a non-yellowing lens that lets me see properly at night.

That sounds like what I saw in Japan.  But they get the kei cars as an option.  I would like that.

Last time the North Bayou desk mount deal was up, they were clearing out the old chrome-plated ones.  I mounted it on my desk for my 24" gaming monitor, and it’s nice.  Keeps the orientation when moving it around fine.

Last time the North Bayou desk mount deal was up, they were clearing out the old chrome-plated ones.  I mounted it

I did nazi that one!

At least the flak batteries over L.A. are still operational.

Well, to be truthful, if there was a washer and dryer in the middle of the flipping freeway, I wouldn’t want to hit it OR a bus.  So kudos for telling me something was there, at least.

This reminds me of another famous race car my kids found rotting in a field.  I was able to fix it up and get it shiny again.  The darned thing could even float and fly!

You lost me at “just”.

Really. I assume people owning this won’t park on a NYC street.  They’ll come out to a hole and screwdriver marks.

Yes, they are different, but yes, they both have an effect on lucid judgement.  Legal or not, it can void a security clearance, civilian or Government.  And really, what about manufacturing?

Their only income is from towing people.  Now, there is a large, legit company here that is better about it.  But some of the small, private groups are just scum.  I had a truck towed in NYC, from a legal parking place, with time on the meter.  Why?  It had out-of-state plates, and obviously something just HAD to be

I believe the Isuzu Trooper was the first official SUV.

Look, let’s start with a basic fundamental of manufacturing.  Cars have wheels, a motor, some method of starting, stopping and turning.  Whether it’s a Ford Focus or a Porsche, for the most part, they have the exact same parts.  You can make a car that looks exactly like a DB-5 for about the same amount of money it