
That picture is a bad example of using them.  What if you needed that cable?  You’d first have to find some wire-cutters.  Velcro is better for things you move around a lot.

That picture is a bad example of using them.  What if you needed that cable?  You’d first have to find some

There’s a retired VW dealership owner in California crying now.  When I was stationed out there, a dealer found a group of 1949 Beetles still crated up in the back of a warehouse in 1975 (76?).  Anyway, he held a drawing and sold them for the original sticker price.  Just imagine what that batch would have been worth

I think it would be waaaaaay more than 606% profit.  Your math skills are weak.

Really. I had a code for camshaft position solenoids.  Bought both for $104.  Took no time at all to change.  Dealer wanted $300.

I was raised in Rockingham when they built the track. I’ve watched the race in the pits when crews wore jeans and t-shirts. Drivers used real cars and wore 3/4 motorcycle helmets.

That really is a good point at the end.  When I lived in Georgia, I had a lot of use for a truck.  Moving up here, not so much.  I traded it in when the $80 a week in gas just got ridiculous.  The one time I needed a truck here, I paid $19 for a Home Depot rental.

True, but for the commoners, simply implying length is good enough.  I read the book; “How to Lie With Statistics”.

So your point is that it’s okay to make a vehicle that gets 12 mpg, as long as that’s what it’s designed to do.

Hence my installation of an .mp3 player.

The HHR is nice and simple.  My OCD likes the perfectly round vents.

They would quit if they listened to my music.

Neutral.  If I have an A/C and my .mp3 player, I’m happy.  I can also save the $2,500 of crap that doesn’t help the car by any means.

What Topper said.  The camber was ‘unloaded’ weight.  The springs were designed to hold a minimum of ‘x’ pounds.  2 people or a few cases of Spaten would level it out.


Will you guys PLEASE pick a side and stick with it.

Then tell them to put shoulders on. Even ‘bike friendly’ roads around here are hilly, blind curves, and, if lucky, have 6 inches outside the while lines, if they even have that.

Have you even determined that we even want to see movies?  For instance, how big are the seats?  Is it like business class?  Because if I had to sit in that for 19 hours I would stab someone with a plastic fork.

Don’t give anyone ideas.  Next we’ll have coal-rolling Prius gatherings.

I’ve caught that one a few times.

And have zero recoil, even rocket launchers and the infamous hand-held minigun.