
Unions are a good idea.  But, to work, they need a proper leadership.  The days of; “Give us what we want or we walk!” are half the reason all our stuff is made in China now.

I was hoping to get the REAL A-Class.  Like the little hatch I drove in Norway.  it was about $19,000 then.

That’s a good question.  I know someone who ran out and got a cat from a junked Cobalt, and the test couldn’t tell.  Seems like, if you just keep your mouth shut, it will slide.

Sounds like Georgia. Emissions inspections full of payola, for sure, but zero safety.

New computer tests can tell when any errors were reset.  If codes were cleared within the last so many miles (varies by type) they will fail it.

My Bosch computer has a ‘pre-inspection’ feature that reads all the stuff the real test does.  You’re right that they don’t have to do the sniffer thing anymore.  They take the car’s word for it that if all the sensors say it’s okay, it passes. I suppose if your cat goes, something changes.

Yes, but part of the specs include a metal part to make it detectable.  And we know, of course, that nobody would ever not do that.

So Chevy sold 50 Sparks for every Corvette or Camaro? Or Silverado?Dodge sold 50 Darts for every Hellcat or Challenger? Any numbers on the average mileage for everything sold instead of models?

Mitsubishi obviously made a deal with something very evil.  

I love this truck, but I agree.  It’s now a one-off show truck that I wouldn’t use for Ikea runs.  But if I was Jay Leno type of wealthy....

I bought one of these 20 years ago, and it’s still okay.

I bought one of these 20 years ago, and it’s still okay.

Actually, that proves my point.

Maybe we don’t want both. Look, fleet standards are half the mess. They can make a small car that gets great mileage... but they don’t put the effort into it that Japan does, or some of those neat European cars. So we get cheap, unsupported cars that don’t sell, and then the car companies tell us we don’t want nice

I really, really don’t get some of this.  And even on Jalopnik here.  One side is screaming that Trump shouldn’t mess with the CAFE laws.  The other is screaming for more 700 horsepower death carts that get 8 mpg.  PICK A SIDE!

I’ve never had to push a call button in my life.  Even a 12 hour jog to Frankfurt.  I came here for those legs.  Those are nice legs.

But you’d like it not to be on the Gallipoli level of loss, either.

Mine wasn’t me as much as the Wife’s. She wanted a Buick, and she did her research, and found what she wanted not too far away.

Basically, it’s the business.  You can seat 20 people, or 16 with life jackets on.  No jackets, more passengers.  I’ve seen that before.

Excellent point, and a good Catch-22 that works in the Insurance Company’s favor...

In a way, I agree. People play Catholics in movies without ever having been to mass. People play murderers all the time without ever having killed anyone. Adults play teenagers, teenagers play adults, idiots play geniuses, and so forth.