
I like new, since I have had a horrible history with used cars.  But I like to put some down, finance as short as I can, then drive it for a decade.  My current DD is 10 years old, and I know every tiny detail and quart of oil in it.  Different people, different plans.

The real issue is the ‘book value’. My car is paid off, but I couldn’t buy another remotely in as good a shape for the $2,800 the insurance would give me if it was hit by a meteor.

Actually, I think that’s a MAC-10.  But, yes, equally ridiculous.

Wonder how much for delivery?  And regular maintenance part?  Very tempting.

The one that springs to mind for me is Harry Potter. Read the books, sometimes several times, before the movies. I know, in my brain, that there was no way to get all that detail into a movie.  And I loved the movies for the escapist entertainment they gave me.  But you just couldn’t help thinking; “they skipped the

While not absolutely having to be rich, you do have to be fairly well off.  I started with an OK Class Racing Dinghy built in the London Shipyards.  I paid $600 for it, with trailer.  Lot of manual labor fixing it up, though.

True.  I have seen evidence that says that in some cases, it isn’t; “Let’s let more women in this activity.”, it’s simply; “How on Earth can we make women CARE about this activity.”.

RAM had to win biggest badge.  I never saw a modern badge more hideous.

Notice I said quote every company endquote.

So, is revenge extra, or included in the combo?

What we really need is an enforcement on the ‘do not call’ list.  I swear that that’s the first thing all shady companies do is get the ‘do not call list’.  And guess what?  It’s a ready built complete list of all real human phone numbers.  Funny how I got MORE calls after being added.

The only downside is that fewer companies are easier to keep an eye on.  I wouldn’t want an aircraft version of, say, the GM ignition switch fiasco, or the Toyota ‘stuck accelerator’ problem... what if, in an emergency, the air masks were all supplied by Takata?

It’s a numbers ploy.  For total sales, they can use the ‘all F-series’ numbers.  But notice how every commercial for every company has a ‘best in class’?  There are (at least, last I heard) 9 distinct ‘classes’ of truck categories.  So everybody gets one.  Best towing, biggest payload, largest cubic feet, biggest

No, it was an Infiniti.

While not quite that clueless, my Wife pays very little attention to any car she’s not directly interested in.

And allowed to vote.

Since you can time travel, you should have been there in the late ‘70s.

What’s with the fancy name all of a sudden? Didn’t they used to call that kind of jog the ‘bus stop’?

OnStar and Sync can both be cut off by the company at Police request.  It’s been done many times.

Wow.  Of COURSE China wants free trade.  There aren’t enough ships to get their stuff over here now.