
Here’s an issue... they may KNOW about specific rebates, but sometimes, they are under absolutely no obligation to tell you about them.  There can be rebates Nationally, from your region, state, and local dealer.  If a dealer sells you a car under a rebate you don’t use, they keep the money.  A friend of my Wife

Wouldn’t that be ‘Le Ho-Ho’?  ‘La Ho’ is a Paris streetwalker.

Make a deal with Europe that gives us things like the Renault Cactus and some of the neat little Citroens, and we’ll let them have Harley.

So the policy to show people that they should treat people nicely is to... not treat them nicely.  Good call, and way to foment even worse feelings.

Forgot about that one.  Selective memory.  I’m not fond of the price per pound on that.

I am not part of this problem.  3 Victory Red Chevys since ‘99.

Sooth.  I drove a black truck in Atlanta.

They’re fine.  My family had Buicks most of my life.  My Wife has been in love with her LaCrosse for years.  I’ve thought about the Encore as a replacement for my HHR, but I need a bbiiiiiiiiiitt more room.  However, I don’t like the tank they call the Enclave, so the wagon may be perfect for me.  Just have to see one

I like it, but never really consider it a ‘car’ film.  Except for that panel van.

Fine. Stop the separation. Shove EVERYONE back over the border. Problem solved, you whiney brats.

Ten very rich young riders.

Been to Gelbooru, I take it.

They ran an article here about the Regal wagon. They said we would get it. Then... silence. None around here.

Commuting isn’t the worst problem. Trying something fun like the Tail of the Dragon is what turned my friend into a hood ornament for an F250.

Some companies just quit hiring and let attrition take it’s course. They don’t have firings or layoffs, but still lose 1000 people a year.

Excellent quote. I want a wagon. The Maxx was not a wagon. You could call it a wagon like you call my HHR a truck (which it is).

Trying to remember what I heard while in Japan, I think quite a few people were already going around the law. Something about renting out anyplace in an apartment building Airbnb-style. If the people they rent out to cause a disturbance (and the Japanese love their quiet at home), not only are they kicked out, but the

Basically, you have to have something from the organization you donated it to for proof. If they intend to give it away, and deem it driveable, I would assume they would give you a receipt for some value. I do know that if they sell it, be it days, weeks, or a month later, you wait for their paper stating the value

I think that was the problem that made them change it.

You used to be able to take Blue Book value as a write-off. But too many people were donating total crap, and writing off much more than it was worth. Now, at least in my state, you can only write off the amount that whoever you donated it to sell it for. They send you the receipt.