
A KZ400 coffin-tank, and I’d be there. Or a Yami XS750D.

I think sometimes it’s just the generation of hardware. Usually, I don’t upgrade anything until I absolutely have to, because then I have to get something else, and something else... hey, remember SVideo?

Ford’s thoughts are interesting. Are they banking on Customer loyalty a bit, at least. It sounds like they’re thinking...; “Well, if I can’t buy a Taurus, I’ll buy a Lincoln.”. Aren’t they assuming a bit much? They may have to re-think a few things if they lose sales to Chevy or Buick.

Good point. Mercedes isn’t too well known for a complete model line blowing up. At least, I don’t think so, historically. Could it be the company is skimping on what is probably horrendously expensive maintenance and parts?

Yes. My strategy is never, ever buy a ‘brand new’ build or model. Because usually, the following year is when all the recalls happen.

Well, I do think it’s a mite overdone. However, I don’t think I fit the demographic for these too well, since I don’t drag footlockers of money around when I’m car-shopping.

Darn, you’re right. I’ll have to look up his next one, I think it was bigger.

To think of it, that’s true. CAFE says “fleet mileage”. So a 50 mpg car and a 1 mpg car average 24.5.

Nope. Even friendly foreign countries require a real, current Passport for most normal transactions. In Norway and Germany, for instance, you may even get a break on your VAT while shopping as a visitor. Anything that you would need to show a driver’s license for, in another Country, generally means a Passport.

Especially Prince Georges (sp?) county.

HA! It’s a shrimp. Pop’s ‘67 Electra 225 was 223.9"

1st: I have generally, most of my life, been a fairly conservative Republican. That said, even I, the most forgiving man on Earth, cannot see why there there would be an attempt to lower standards. I like higher requirements here. They should make it 75 mpg, so maybe we can get some of the cool Kei cars over here. And

I’m saying that good or bad, the price we pay is more than the cost. I’m not saying airbags are bad. I’m saying... take OnStar. Technically broken down, it’s about $200 worth of gear, that bumps the price up around $1,200 (the year I bought one last).

Sure, but how many died building the telephone?

“Don’t have to pay extra for”

So the only way to ensure the safety of self-driving cars, is to have a human behind the wheel paying attention. Kind of a self-defeating tech right now.

If I recall, when I was on Japan, licenses were issued by class of vehicle you wanted. Smaller motorcycles and cars had different classes than big ones.

Love that! My Pop had a small business. When we went downtown to where he loaded up on small things, he would drive his Electra 225 up onto the sidewalk, and park outside ‘so the boys had less distance to carry the boxes’. I guess he did that forever, because he never got a ticket, and would stand there talking with

Can’t they just sell us one little Ute here? Please?

At Ferrari prices, though?