
I’ll agree with that. The current cost of implementing Hydrogen cars is way too high right now. As for charging time, at least batteries can be charged at home. I would have zero problems with electric myself.

RADAR-based tech doesn’t need light to ‘see’ something. She should have been separated from the ground clutter long before.

There will be, if not already. I read that they generally don’t do a manual for the first 3, 4, or 5 years. While the car is under warranty, there’s no call for it. It was 2012 before I found the ‘new’ manual for my 2009.

I think they have a Millennium Falcon, so you can trust them. 

I was really hoping for some Pink Lady music. Any in there?

Sounds like a girl I dated in L.A.

I wish their wasn’t so much secrecy among companies about the technology behind autonomous cars. With a background in Military electronics, I try to glean as much info as I can, but they don’t publicize a lot of the ‘nuts and bolts’ thing.

In RADAR terms, that’s called ‘ground clutter’. It takes time to distinguish something coming out of it. On the other hand, could a person seen the movement or color faster?

That’s stupid. Gun companies don’t give their guns out and say; “Go shoot someone.” Uber took a ‘beta test’ vehicle out officially, and did something I don’t believe they were supposed to. You can use that moronic example when a Colt employee gets instructions to shoot people.

Potential life-saving and non-lethal drones compared to a 2,000 pound guided missile? What’s the common point here?

This is all wrong. You know it’s not spring until the first Harley shows up.

Unfortunate, but very true. That kid running out from between 2 vans is the ultimate test for any driver, whether machine or man.

Both sides have some leeway on this. If the woman walked out from behind an obstacle in front of a human driven car, she might have been just as dead. They’re claiming that self-driving can react faster than a human, well, here’s the test case. I guess we’ll find out.

It looks like the only thing they could really nail him on is the official logo on the top. That is a violation of impersonating a Domino’s vehicle. He is now just being an ass about it. The paint scheme is more fuzzy, since red and blue trim is not quite as obvious.

Yeah, I went by Home Depot and rented a truck when we got our Queen set. About one or two days a year I really miss my truck.

We’ve been over that. We don’t get those cool, useful Utes because then the Truck companies would lose that sweet F-150 and Sierra profits. If you need a truck, well, you need a truck, and you’ll pay out the nose for it. For the same reason all the small, economical, useful trucks disappeared. I had a ‘97 S10. Sorry I

Pontiac Sunfire with a hole in the floor per Flintstones. Chevette that hit a pothole and got just enough off center that the doors would only close if you used all your strength. Friend’s Cavalier went through 2 engines... and transmissions. Prototype electric fans going out on my Toyota... somehow not covered by

People forget he was the driving force behind so many Classic cars of today.

I will still take a current ‘meh’ car over those over-hyped pieces of crap from the ‘80s. I was there, I should know.

Or gaskets for the 4.3 Vortec.